Hi all, I'm new here. I have some questions to ask. I was searching for a site of like minded people who will understand what I'm saying. I think I found you! I am not religious, I sit more comfortably with the notion of a higher power of consciousness. ...
Lo que he aprendido en estos dÃ♥as La separación forzada de la otra vÃ♥a de comunicación me ha cambiado- casi instantáneamente- y me ha hecho reflexionar sobre mi vida dentro del contexto espiritual. Para aclarar, he vivido una gran cantidad ...
It's been forever since I've written on my blog. As it happens for most people, 2020 was horrendous, and I have hopes that the bad stuff is over and what is happening now is mopping up of bad energy and removing it. Interestingly, in Chinese astrology, ...
I tend to believe, as the title suggests that there is awareness behind the dream. That our own consciousness goes so deep, right down past subconscious and unconscious, into the sea of pure awareness (or the ineffable) where everything is all connected ...
A breakthrough. Focusing on clarity (clear mind), creativity (spirit) and quality (spirit, as well) brought me to a totally new level of possibilites in life. I mean, having (fighting for) clear idea before taking action, facing ...