• Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism


    Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism

    by Chogyam Trungpa

    Buy now on Amazon.com

    This book will appeal to anyone with a keen interest in the study of Buddhism.* I would say it is a crucial read. It explains several ways our ego gets stuck in a rut on our spiritual path and causes us to develop the most annoying thing of all - spiritual ego.* I highly recommend this book if you are at the stage where your abilities are starting to develop. It will help you not to get stuck in the wow factor and shift you solidly into the - ah this is how it can be for everyone - stage.* It will help you reach the point where you ask, "Why was I trying to be special in the first place?"* Glad I am over that so that I can get out of the way of true miracles happening.* -Violetsky

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