
Type: Posts; User: D.O.

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  1. Does the program say anywhere what specific affirmations to use?

    Does the program say anywhere what specific affirmations to use?
  2. Copy: Is there a way to do magick in meditation without spoken affirmations?

    Is there a way to do magick in meditation without spoken affirmations?
  3. How is it walking in public having raised Kundalini?

    When you are out at the store or a mall, do people sense something different about you?
  4. Replies

    Any progress on physical immortality?

    You mentioned the idea of taking the physical body into the astral, shapeshifting to a younger form, and then returning.
  5. Why is it easier to make the 3rd eye strobe than the perineum strobe?

    Why is it easier to make the 3rd eye strobe than the perineum strobe?

    I have made the 3rd eye strobe with the accelerated throbbing sensation, flash of light etc. as described in your books.
  6. Siddhis resulting from changing one element into another

    Abilities such as flying through the air, walking through solid obstructions, diving into the ground, walking on water and so forth are performed by changing one element, such as earth, into another...
  7. COPY: Siddhis resulting from changing one element into another

    Abilities such as flying through the air, walking through solid obstructions, diving into the ground, walking on water and so forth are performed by changing one element, such as earth, into another...
  8. Replies

    Re: What level of trance is necessary for the snake?

    How prepared am I for Kundalini raising?

    My basic procedure for energy work, not Kundalini:

    1. Go through muscle relaxation per your books
    2. Pre-stimulate feet, legs, hands and arms
    3. Whole...
  9. Replies

    Re: What level of trance is necessary for the snake?

    Well, could one sleep for a couple of hours before raising Kundalini?
  10. Replies

    What level of trance is necessary for the snake?

    Using the Astral Dynamics definitions, do you need a light or medium trance for the snake?
  11. How many electrical spikes will be felt before the snake is released?

    How many electrical spikes will be felt before the snake is released?
  12. Re: Project out of crown center into high dimensional planes?

    Which method leads to the highest planes:

    a. Lucid dreaming / mental projection


    b. OBE with exit
  13. Re: Project out of crown center into high dimensional planes?

    Yeah head spins, head rolls, head bounce etc.

    What about the actual projection?
  14. Project out of crown center into high dimensional planes?

    How do you project out of crown center into high dimensional planes?
  15. COPY: How does one go to the Heavens from a regular Lucid Dream?

    How does one go to the Heavens from a regular Lucid Dream?
  16. How does one go to the Heavens from a regular Lucid Dream?

    How does one go to the Heavens from a regular Lucid Dream?

    [Mod note: A copy of this thred for general discussion is here:...
  17. Re: What is your current best way to get to the heavens?

    What is your method to project to the heavens during lucid dreaming?
  18. What is your current best way to project to the heavens?

    What is your current best way to project to the heavens?
  19. Does Kundalini and AUUUMMMMM make Hinduism the only true religion?

    Does Kundalini and AUUUMMMMM make Hinduism the only true religion?
  20. Replies

    Lucid dream all night, every night?

    How does one do this?
  21. Replies

    what deities have you seen in the chakras?

    what deities have you seen in the chakras?

    Are they known deities?
  22. Replies

    Is there an angel or deity of death?

    Is there an angel or deity of death?

    [Mod Note: There is a general discussion for this question here:
  23. Replies

    COPY: Is there an angel or deity of death?

    Is there an angel or deity of death?
  24. Replies

    Focusing on AUUMMM and crown center while dying

    What would that do?
  25. Deities only in astral? Angels in both astral and mental?

    Deities only in astral? Angels in both astral and mental?
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