lying in bed i made a vocal request of guidance - to show me what is needed to take things to the next step - awareness, understanding, abilities, health...

while dreaming, i found myself standing in front of a giant hedge. an impenetrable hedge wall, that went on forever in each direction.
i was standing wondering what to do next, when out of the hedge came a man. he 'felt' like Oliver when he spoke to me.
he told me that "insert name here, can't remember the name" had come up with a system to bring people to a state of positive change.
he told me to get them to question themselves, their beliefs, their religions.
it wasn't like he was telling me to question my beliefs, but that i had to get others to question theirs...

kinda what i've been doing anyway.

then he walked off, and i could see the small hole in the hedge he'd come thru.
i went in, and as i emerged out the other side, i woke up.