Let me first say I love the MAP program! Thanks to all the wonderfull people involved in this project.

I'm stuck at leg bouncing.
Brushing and sponging work fine. But when bouncing I got various problems.

When sponging I follow in my mind the path along my legs. When I try do this faster for bouncing, I can't help but skip bits (if not all) between toes and hips. I read in the book the mind is capable of incredible speeds, but my (normally ok-ish) mind can't get any faster then 1.5 sec each way. I tried it anyway, just focusing on toes-hips-toes-hips, skipping the whole in between but that does not seem to work, no sensations at all and also losing focus with that rather quickly.

When sponging I don't feel any blockages, so I don't think it is resistance causing the speed limit.

I read in the book just imagening the ends of a bounce will not work. And when I try anyway, using the image of a energy ball travelling up and down inside my legs, I don't feel any sensation in my legs (as with sponging) and quickly loose focus. I feel like maybe when working with another image then the actual legs, it might corrupt the whole energy-work as one is no longer focusing on the leg-image, but rather on a mental construction of it.

Am I doing something wrong? Is there another technic I should try?