Sure, as a kid I found myself in my grandmother's room, floating over her. I hadn't been in there physically and didn't know she had dolls but she did.

Later we were going to Melbourne to stay with friends. I projected to the airport, where I'd never been. When we went there within the next few days it was familiar and I would announce to my sister what we'd see next.

A party across the road a few years ago disturbed my sleep and caused me to project out of body and across the road. There were a lot of inebriated people and I told them to turn the music down. Shortly after, someone did turn it down. They were evicted a few months later and my friend wanted to check out the house that was for sale. The room I entered OB was as I'd seen it.

Another time I was just out on an recently finished but unopened bypass that we'd walked on earlier that day. As with the other experiences, there was no preliminary dreaming, I was just there and fully aware. It was a very brief OBE.