Hello Robert

I just read in one of your answers "Also, get some hemi sync and relax with this. It can also be played on very low at night. This will help develop your energy body and you will probably have more frequent obe."

Since I've been doing exactly that recently so here's my question:

Do you have any really specific recommendations which hemisync (or other) CDs/DVDs/mp3s to play for the whole night during sleep (8 hours in one piece or shorter recordings in looped mode) for:

- inducing/helping to get OBEs (lucid dream conversion)
- inducing lucid dreams
- healing

I am experimenting a lot with sounds played at night with a stereo at the head end of my bed, but results still leave room for improvement. So I am still not sure if I got the right combination of choices and I'd be happy about some nice recommendations.

Btw, I know already about the HemiSync 8-h-long LD-DVD, (http://www.new-mind.com/HemiSyncLucidDr ... eaming.htm) but what is your opinion on it? Recommendable? Or is there anything better?

Thanks and keep up your good work,