Looking at my Hands
I had been and was re- reading the book 'The Art of Dreaming' - Carlos Castaneda, it had been many years since i had read this last, about 10yrs ago.

Date: 20/09/10 Time: On waking 1am ish

Becoming Lucid
I was in a nightmare {can't remember this now} and i was looking for ways to 'get out' of my nightmare and suddenly in desperation thought to 'look for my hands'

And to my delight i found them AND succeeded in bringing my nightmare to a halt too.
They did 'melt' as i looked at them, they sort of reminded me of wavering flames, i was really excited to see this. Also i then became aware of a second pair of arms, as if someone were standing behind me, with their arms coming around me, at a guess i would say they were male. Strangely, i kind of ignored these extra arms, because i didn't want to spoil my first success in seeing my own hands. I felt i was close to my body and i should wake myself up immediately so i could write-down and record my success . . . on thinking this i was back in my body and awake.

Some thoughts
On waking, i did wonder if my perception of my hands was coloured by my expectation of what i would see. Also I have read recently in the Astral Dynamics book, that Robert says that in dreams hands are more 'stable' and donot have such a 'melting' fluctuating effect to them as they do in OBE's . . . . . so it will be interesting to see what my hands 'look like' in any future experiences, should i remember to look for them.