Note: Since the last few days have been quite intense to say the least, it tried to get across to my higher self that I needed some kind of break. I expected an answer in my dreams, I sent. This night I had another strange one, it was nightmare-ish, but I wasnt petrified throughout. More like a lingering light scary-feeling.

The night is dark, and I am away somewhere. It's time to go home, so I take the night-bus to my apartment. When we start to approach the streets where I live I see dead bodies in the areas around, forensics have come. The bodies are lieing haphazardly, some are piled, and some look rotten. I hear there's a murderer somewhere loose, or a bunch of cultists that sacrifice humans.

I get upset by this fact, that there's a murderer, and I don't want to be killed, so I stay away from my home. Instead I go to a friends house. For some reason I cannot stay there very long. So I go to another friends house. We eat MMs from the bottom of an old sportsbag. But as daylight slowly breaks through, I start to feel I need to go home again. I end up in work-car with another friend (The guy that works with me in a garden company, also the guy that tried to kiss me in the last dream) that lives next to me, and we drive through a forested area. There we meet seven guys that stops us.

They seem vaugely familiar, and they are intimidating. I have a fighting spirit, so I grab an iron tool and prepare myself. They take all the other machine tools, the chainsaw, and pour out all the gas from them. One guy saws off three of his own fingers and puts them in his mouth. Disgusting.

They tell me about the dead bodies. I get the impression there’s someone in the forest that they’re working for that demands sacrifices. I feel a bit scared, but I did not lose my composure.

Then I wake up.

What do you guys think?
