Well, from a physical standpoint migraines have many causes; hormone activity, poor eyesight, sinus, even muscle strain, not to mention other things like vascular changes and scary stuff like head tumors and the like. So of course, if being a cerebral kind of person, you spend 12 hours a day reading, chances are you will get a headache, not only from eyestrain, but also from neck muscles stuck at the same position.
I know this happens to me when I read for long periods of time (and when I get into a book I will read it all the time, until my eyes give out or my family wants attention.)
But there is another type of headache, that I get from doing energy work on my brow, which gives me a headache, because I'm the type of person who tends to overthink things, and go into the conceptual frame of reference most of the time, even if I don't articulate myself in that way.

If your headaches are associated with too much activity, they can cause strain, because of the increase in circulation in the area- I don't think the problem is 'storage', because we don't really know how information is stored, or where, etc.- but if you think of the chakras as interfaces, the stimulation/activity can reflect back to the physical, causing discomfort.
Of course, this is my opinion.