I haven't been to the forums in a while, but I had a strange morning that I thought you guys may be interested in.

I was laying next to my girlfriend, sort of drifting in and out of sleep, and then I heard a loud BEEEEP, and I looked up to see that the alarm clock (blue display) had an additional display directly beneath it, that was a red 10. I layed back down, and my girlfriend groaned and said, "What was that?" I realized that the smoke alarms beep for a second when the power goes out (wired-in) and then I glanced at the alarm clock, and it was out. "Power went out," I said, and lied back down. I lied there for maybe a minute, until I realized that none of that had happened. I looked at the clock again and saw that it looked normal, and my girlfriend was sound asleep! Haha.

A little bit later, I was having faint little images behind my eyelids, I guess (this is a little fuzzy) and I guess I was imagining I was sitting up looking at my laptop. Then, all at once, the image of my laptop's screen became very clear, and I figured that I was dreaming again, and a girl who I could feel next to me put her mouth on mine and actually put her tongue into my mouth. I reached up and felt her shoulder. It was actually quite sexy. At some point my legs felt very hot, like someone had put a space heater next to them. Then it faded away and I realized I had never been looking at my laptop.

So, we may have the same take on this, or it may be different, but I have to admit that when something crazy (and it was quite crazy) like this happens I enjoy it.