Hi Kashmirror,

I am fairly new to this forum, so hopefully I will not offend in providing a some thoughts on the matter, and some physical suggestions for your home. Prior to this knowledge being organized spiritual abuse was already happening. Whether it was a dark witch, dark voodoo priestess, a demonic cult, or an inhuman wildlife creature, innocents were being targeted.

The best defense is providing the positive spiritual knowledge, and being kind to your fellow person, animal, and plantlife. They will in turn convey additional positive energy out to the collective subconscious.

To protect your home, I highly recommend collecting naturally occuring 'holey' rocks, and placing them around the entrance way of your home (typically nature holey rocks contain fossils, and properly charged will frighten off astral wildlife). Sprinkling salt in the corners of your home while seeing blue white light radiate outward is also helpful. However these suggestions will work only if this matches up with your belief system.