
This is a fairly advanced question and assumes you have knowledge and experience practicing both astrology and hermetics. I would be grateful if anyone could help with with this.

Ok so here it goes:

When you introduce an element into your astral body, your personality changes as a result. For instance, by introducing the sense of gravity and density into my astral body, I feel more grounded. My perceptions change as a result and my personality becomes more practical and organized and 'down to earth'. The more I introduce these qualities of the earth element into my astral body over time, the more my instinctual emotional reactions to my environment become what would be associated with those born under the earth signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. The Moon rules the astral body, and someone born with their Moon in Taurus, for instance, will naturally have these earthy perceptions and behaviors.

Now my question is the following: If I was born with my moon in Pisces for example, and then introduced earth into my astral body regularly then my moon sign would for all intents and purposes begin acting as say a Taurus moon would.

So what would it mean when for instance transiting Mars contacts my natal Moon in Pisces? If my astral body is no longer resonating with Pisces then will contacts to Pisces even have an effect on me? And what would it mean if for instance Mars was influencing Taurus instead? Since my astral body is now Taurus like, will planetary transits to Taurus influence my astral body more than those to Pisces? In my mind, they should do! Because planetary contacts to a sign affect the qualities expressed by that sign. Or for instance, given a certain cultural astrological climate, society might readily welcome moon in Taurus energy and at other times reject it. So if you are expressing this energy then that means that you are indeed affected by the astrological climate involving Taurus.

So if it's possible to effectively change your Moon sign by hermetically introducing elements into your astral body, then what implications does that have for the rest of astrology? If you have Aries on the 10th house but no planets in that house, then will introducing explosive fiery pressure into your astral body eventually give you a Moon in the 10th house and therefore the career and fame benefits associated with such a placement?

By the way, I use the Moon as an example due to the fluid and changeable nature and it's association with the astral body.

Thanks in advance for your replies!