Wohooo, yesterday I think I finally got control over the astral plane, I cannot OBE yet but I am pretty good at phasing (in fact, if you can tell me how to turn it off I will be most thanksfull) I am starting to watch more know and I could saw some spirits, I was pretty scared but my HS was there all the time HS gave me the "adress" to visit "Moyra" master but I am not ready to see him yet (I felt its presence but could not see him nor hear him), I have to develop more my throut chakra (if you have a good technique will be welcome). Is strange but everything is going like too fast, in just 3 intense weeks I can control this stuff (like 2 to 3 hours at night of meditation and working energy even while watching TV )
I am very happy know,
And referring to my guides, guides aspects are as you imagine it? I red some about it and found lots of aspects of guides. I see them with human figures and they are with long hoods (I ask them to show up like that, I feel I am not ready to see them yet, also, who cares how they look right? I am just curious)
Anyway, I wanted to know others experiences
Also, I see balls of white light before spirits appears and the biggest has more than 1 ball of light, can be this possible?

Thanks in advance, all your help has giving me strength (personally I have some self esteem problems and insecurity, no matter if in normal life I appear secure, is the other way , working on this problem currently )