
It is not uncommon to be blocked at the throat area. This can sometimes be related to communication problems.

It can help if the nasal area is washed. Cup your hands full of tepid water and slowly pull this up nose till it starts to trickle down back of throat. Blow nose in sink. Repeat a couple of times. This removes dust and matter that will interfere with the brow center and its support network.

A few things you can try.

Spoken affirmations. 'my throat center is clear' 'my throat center activates' 'my higher chakras activate' and similar.

Spoken affirmations are far more powerful than silent affirmations. The voice activates the throat chakra and projects the words onto the astral level. The higher self is more receptive and proactive on the astral level.

The affirmations will help. Keep doing the ework and as activity increases in your lower centers, this will eventually affect the higher centers.

Also, keep on working on your higher centers. Even though you may feel no noticeable symptoms, the stimulation will be activating them on some level.

Do silent affirmations while working on each higher center.
