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Thread: Nat's AP/dream diary

  1. #1
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    washington state

    Jose Silva & AP

    I have been doing quite a bit of research online about expanding the power of the mind, I came across the Silva method. This is very interesting! I bought a book, and I can't believe how old it is! It's from the 70's. Has anyone else read his books? He talks a lot about meditation and getting into transe states, and you learn how to do this while wide awake! Could be useful for AP!

    I recently had another AP experience, last week I woke up in the middle of the night and decided to give it a go. I got my upper half out and my arms. But I saw a light on my bed covers and became distracted, I ended up wasting the whole experience waving my AP hand through it saying "oooOOo neato!" . I don't remember anything after that. I might have fully AP or I might have went back to sleep. The next morning I realized that it wasn't a light on my bed, it was just the patterns on my bedcovers! DOH! What a waste!!! But I have been trying NOT to AP at night (consciousely) so I have been sleeping on my side. This hasn't stopped me from having vivid dreams of faraway places. So , not sure if it's working! Well, it's nap time!

    sweet dreams!

    Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.

  2. #2
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    Re: Jose Silva & AP

    Quote Originally Posted by natalie-1984
    I have been doing quite a bit of research online about expanding the power of the mind, I came across the Silva method. This is very interesting! I bought a book, and I can't believe how old it is! It's from the 70's. Has anyone else read his books? He talks a lot about meditation and getting into transe states, and you learn how to do this while wide awake! Could be useful for AP!
    When I was younger I went to a couple of his workshops with my dad, but I don't remember much about them. I believe he does the same thing they all do- teach you to use trance states to learn or try to achieve whatever the desired outcome is.

    I recently had another AP experience, last week I woke up in the middle of the night and decided to give it a go. I got my upper half out and my arms. But I saw a light on my bed covers and became distracted, I ended up wasting the whole experience waving my AP hand through it saying "oooOOo neato!" . I don't remember anything after that. I might have fully AP or I might have went back to sleep. The next morning I realized that it wasn't a light on my bed, it was just the patterns on my bedcovers! DOH! What a waste!!! But I have been trying NOT to AP at night (consciousely) so I have been sleeping on my side. This hasn't stopped me from having vivid dreams of faraway places. So , not sure if it's working! Well, it's nap time!

    sweet dreams!

    Since the nonphysical state is all about exploration, I wouldn't call your experience a waste- I would say that it shows you what you need to work on- lucidity perhaps.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
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    Re: Jose Silva & AP

    Hello, natalie-1984.

    I played with the Da-Silva method for a short while, but it wasn't for me.

    The experience you had was definitely helpful in building some familarity with being in your energy body. I'm sure it was helpful.


  4. #4
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    washington state

    AP frustration!

    Today I set my alarm clock with the intent of AP. I like to try when I am in that half awake/half asleep state.
    But the problem was that I was curled up facing the wall and didn't realize it! I must have tried 4 times! One time I thought I was on the ground crawling away but I realized I was still in bed, my bedsheets are almost the same color as the carpet. I didn't want to roll onto my back and ruin the trance. I had a hard time opening my astral sight too. On another try I felt the heavy sinking sensation and I thought "float up" and so I could feel that I was hovering above my body. Then I wanted to go to my bedroom door, so I imagined it. But I had to try and walk there, it felt like walking through mud. I was blind this whole time. When I could feel that I had gotten to my door I turned and tried to open my eyes but I couldn't. Then since I couldn't even be sure I was really out or just imagining all this I aborted the mission. One of the tries I had my legs floating way up in the air! That made me happy cause it felt so awesome!

    One of the things I noticed while I was trying was that I felt a presence. Not good or bad, but it just felt like someone was standing there watching me. The reason I have been trying to do this during the day was so I wouldn't run into negs! It was noon and sunny out, but I still got scared! But all together this would be my 4th AP experience! Hurray! 4 times in less than a month isn't that bad .

    Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.

  5. #5
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    Re: AP frustration!

    The presence was more than likely your own expanded energy body feedback, so I wouldn't worry too much about that.
    There are two or three possible reasons for the 'heaviness' of your experience- one may be that you are not lucid enough in that you just woke up and are more asleep than awake- I would recommend the 'trying before it's time to get up', but to actually get up first, walk and then go back to bed and then do your attempt. You will go right into trance, and will be more aware.
    Another possibility is that you need to do (more) energy work, that you need to develop your etheric body a little bit more, to help with navigation issues.

    Well done, Natalie.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #6
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    washington state

    Re: AP frustration!

    Thank you for the advice, that cleared up some of my confusion.
    I think I learned quite a bit from my failed AP experience today. First thing I learned is that it IS a lot harder to do when curled up in a ball on your side, second thing I learned is that even though it's easier for me to disconnect from my body when I am on the edge of sleep, I need to learn how to do this with my mind wide awake. I could have been successful and went exploring, but since I was always a few moments away from sleep I might not even remember it.

    This is off topic, but I had a funny dream the other night. It was a lucid dream where I was showing people how I could walk through walls and put my arm through a tv. They were very impressed! It felt so strange to put my arm through the tv, I could feel a heavy tingling sensation. Then I tried something I never did in my dreams, I put my right hand through my left hand! It was harder to do, but I told myself that since this was a dream I should be able to do it. Everyone wanted to know how I was doing these things I told them that it was simple - my dream= my rules! I told them next time they had a lucid dream to try it, ( lol, made perfect sense at the time!). And last night I had another lucid dream, it was my usual ghost dream. Where I call them out ( I say "any spirits or ghosts here feel free to come out and chat") and sit and talk to them and ask them questions. I'm becoming a ghost psychiatrist in my dreams!

    Thank you again for your input, I agree I do need to do more energy work. I am just always so tired I fall asleep. (life of a single mom of 2 little ones I guess!)

    sweet dreams!
    Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.

  7. #7
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    Re: AP frustration!

    This may be obvious to others, but I have no repeatedly read it and I wondered: Why is everybody trying to reach the door?


  8. #8
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    washington state

    Nat's AP/dream diary

    AP #5 today :0)

    I'm pretty excited about this! Today being Saturday my ex has the kids all day so I decided to take a nap this morning. Well, first I did some energy work and meditating. When I woke up from my nap I decided to lay still for a minute before trying to AP. The energy work has been helping a great deal!! I was able to see (partialy) with my 3rd eye as I started to roll out of my body. This time I made sure I was laying on my back . I struggled for a bit to get off of the bed, I kept thinking "20 feet just 20 feet" and "don't ask for help". But then I was finaly free and by my bedroom door. I could see perfectly, but the air seemed grainy. I was like "I'm what??" So I went downstairs. I totaly forgot about trying to collect past life info...or doing anything productive for that matter

    This is where it gets ... weird. When I got downstairs I saw this happy teenage girl in my living room. She was excited to see me, and I was just as happy to see her! She said she was APing too, and was here to help me. She showed me how to walk through a wall. Then my living room changed and we were in a completely different house. We were thinking about what to do next. I said "I kind of want to stay in RTZ and make sure my girls are okay with their father." she looked kind of scared and said "we should go into astral". This part is silly... she told me that the way she usually does it is by spinning around and getting dizzy, and that usualy puts her right there. So we tried this and ended up just feeling dizzy, we both laughed about this!

    I told her we could try the technique of projecting into a painting or picture. We found a painting that we liked and held eachother's hand while we approached it and projected inside. We were in some western town. It gets kind of fuzzy after that. But I remember we rode horses around the town, and I was on a mission to have proof for myself after I woke up that I astral projected. After we got to this western town it turned into more of a dream. And it had me questioning whether I astrally projected at all or just drempt the whole thing.

    Leaving my body felt unmistakenly real, meeting the girl felt real as well. It felt like she was my long lost best friend and I felt an instant connection to her . I was gone for a few hours and I'm surprised I have so much memory of this. I really think this has a lot to do with the energy work I did. I have noticed a few tiny bumps on my legs, like bug bites. Maybe from energy work.

    This is unrelated but, the lamp in my girl's bedroom keeps turning on and I have to go in and shut it off . It never scares me, ( I don't feel any negativity) it just kind of amuses me and makes me smile. I think I am almost ready to communicate with spirits or ghosts. Maybe if they could contact me during the day instead of scare the crap out of me at night then it would be all good! I sound crazy huh?

    Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.

  9. #9
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    Pittsburgh, Pa

    Re: AP #5 today :0)

    Hey there Natalie.
    You had a nice OBE/AP and thanx for sharing it here.
    About going into that painting - I read an excerpt from one of Robert Bruce's book (Astral Dynamics probably) where he entered into a painting during an OBE. So other people have done that but it is apparently very rarely done. So maybe that could be an option for your next OBE. Get a photo or painting of somewhere that you would like to go, hang it up on the wall of your room and try to enter into it. The possibilities are nearly endless.


  10. #10
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    Re: AP #5 today :0)

    I wanted to find one of my pics of Hawaii. Or just stay in the RTZ, but the other girl didn't want to. She could have just been a figment of my imagination, but I don't really care.
    I kind of have a goal in mind, but I always forget it. My goal is to find out about my past life.

    I tried another AP today after my nap (gatta love those unemployment naps ) , but I couldn't get to that point. I have noticed there is an actual feeling I get when my body goes from etheric to astral, and then I just KNOW I can leave, it's so instinctual. It's like a click or something, then all the sudden I am light and floaty. I'm just great with words huh! God I suck at words. I'm usually online at nightime and by that time my IQ has dropped like 30 points.

    okey dokey

    good night!

    Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.

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