There's a few questions I have about this, one is that the only exit sensations I ever have is a funny tingly feeling, sort of an amplified version of what I feel during energy work, almost like when my foot falls asleep but all over. Interestingly it feels the same when I phase through objects and change forms in the astral. But I have never had any of these other exit sensations, not even in my early projectioins, why is it some people have certain sensations and others don't?

Also alot of the time, my astral body feels almost exactly like my physical, so you would think that at some point I would have accidently physically rolled out of bed, but this has never happened to me. I think I must have some sort of sense that tells me when I'm not in the astral. Though there has been at least one time I mistook my astral body for my physical so maybe it doesn't work both ways.