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Thread: danger when doing astral projection

  1. #1

    danger when doing astral projection

    Is there anything that can happen to me if i project myself into the astral world.
    is there any possession or death any kind of thing that can happen to someone that is oing an OBE?

  2. #2
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    Possible dangers

    Quote Originally Posted by demsy11
    Is there anything that can happen to me if i project myself into the astral world.
    is there any possession or death any kind of thing that can happen to someone that is oing an OBE?
    I have answered this same question time after time but for the life of me can't find any thread in which I answer this question thoroughly. So here it is again:

    When you sleep at night you project. When you project your energy body expands and you can perceive from 'somewhere other than your body'- usually when you sleep your etheric body is floating around your room, and your astral body is in the astral (where it always is) and your dreams consist of unconscious projections from your subconscious.

    You never ever ever leave your body empty. This is impossible. Projection is not 'leaving the body empty', it is a movement of your conscious mind from the physical to the nonphysical. You can receive information (perceive) through your etheric body (which results in a realtime projection, aka your room) or from the astral body. The astral body is less like a body than the etheric body, because it has very little or no physical component, and the experiences you have (aka information you receive) is informed by your mind, and other people's minds. This is what the astral is: The astral is an energetic environment that is shaped by your thoughts and emotions, instantly.

    So if you have fears, that which you fear can manifest in the astral. If you are in the personal area of the astral, you have a 'regular' dream, which is completely shaped by subconscious images, and the subconscious communicates via symbols. This is why dreams have so many symbols, because the content of it is shaped by the subconscious mind.
    When you project to the astral 'out there' what you are doing is projecting your conscious awareness, your perceptive mind, out into a collective energetic environment, made of the same quickly reacting energy- because it's collective, you will not also see what you have created (by thinking about it), but you will also see what others have created, by their thoughts.
    So this is why sometimes people's accounts of the astral are so 'interesting'- because they don't realize that what they are seeing only exists because many people believe in these- such as the 'belief system territories' and other environments that may have some objective existence (like astral schools, and other such places) but whose appearance depends on the beliefs of those who go there.

    So what is the danger? You cannot get possessed because you don't ever leave your body empty- you simply expand your energetic field to perceive what's 'out there', and you don't die because your energy body never goes away. So you can't die for not being there- everyone sleeps at night and doesn't die, so this is not something you need to worry about.

    What should you worry about? The health of your mind and emotional balance- if you project fear into the environment you may have a scary experience, and if you are not emotionally balanced to begin with, this can get complicated quickly.
    Some people that have some underlying mental illness may then have a complete break with physical reality (or waking reality if you wish) and this is a distinct danger, especially if you have bouts of paranoia or hear voices to begin with.

    Other than that, a quick belief system checkup should be where you need to start, because it's amazing what some people believe, that can affect them if they pursue 'expanded awareness' type experiences.
    Last edited by CFTraveler; 12th October 2011 at 03:02 PM.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3

    Re: danger when doing astral projection

    Thanks i was talking to a christian today about it, so he brough all this i will be in danger bla bla bla... and i was a bit sceptic about but now it's ok... thanks... so in reality i can't realy see real people sleeping then. i can't go and visit africa and see my real mum sleeping or cooking because all is just dream is that right?
    A bit desapointed about that. but i will still try to make it happen


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  4. #4
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    Re: danger when doing astral projection

    Quote Originally Posted by demsy11
    Thanks i was talking to a christian today about it, so he brough all this i will be in danger bla bla bla...
    Well, the Apostle Paul had at least one documented mystical experience where he was unable to say if he was in the body or out of it at the time. Furthermore, a number of Christian mystics and saints experienced out of body travels (the one who comes most to mind just offhand is St Catherine of Sienna).

    So, "danger" or not, there's evidence that mystical Christians (as opposed to the ones who are all talk and dogma) have experienced this phenomenon.

    I wish Christians would actually make the effort to READ the holy canon of their professed belief system. There's a lot in there that would turn their dogmatic views upside down if they really read it with an open mind. It's a pretty awesome collection of mystical writings (most of which get totally overlooked in modern organised religion, or explained away and diluted down to nothing, but that's another rant for another day).

    In other words, any Christian who tells you that OBE is wrong, sinful, devilish, whatever, is one who hasn't read much in the way of Christian literature, including the New Testament. I wouldn't pay too much attention to someone like that. They're speaking from ignorance and probably fear.

    Quote Originally Posted by demsy11
    i can't go and visit africa and see my real mum sleeping or cooking because all is just dream is that right?
    I had a spontaneous OBE a while back where I went and visited my mother, from whom I am long estranged and who lives on a different continent. I walked right up the front steps, through the front door (as in, THROUGH the front door, which was closed), and into the front parlour, where she was working with some papers. I looked around at the changes in the house since the last time I'd been there in person (more than fifteen years ago), and just watched my mother for a while, who was apparently unaware of my presence, except that she kept kind of looking over her shoulder in an odd way.

    Some time later, I was talking to my adult daughter, who had just been to visit my mother, and I described what I'd seen, the way the house is now arranged, what my mother was doing, etc., and my daughter was amazed, because I had it exactly right, including the furniture that is now missing or moved, the way my mother was organising her papers, and so on.

    If I'd wanted to, I might have been able to communicate with my mother, but I didn't want to. I certainly did visit her, though, and while at the time I was unable to confirm one way or the other whether it was "a dream" or not, later I did get confirmation.

    And for that matter, just because something is a dream doesn't mean it's not real or correct or legitimate. Some of the most powerful epiphanies and messages and understandings have come to me by way of dreams. Symbolism is perfectly real and completely valid, and, indeed, it's the language of the subconscious and, in my experience, the astral.
    May the light surround you, may you be blessed. May the light surround us, may we be blessed. May love and light surround us all, and may we all be healed and blessed. And so it is, and so it shall be, now and ever after.

  5. #5

    Re: danger when doing astral projection

    thanks you both of you for answering that question, now i understand more about OBE and also why i realy never made it. i always though that i will feel a second my leaving like realy empty body there sleeping now i know what it should be like. i will focus on that and read the astral dynamic plus energy work... maybe a short term before projecting maybe years, but i will keep trying ,'
    thank you

  6. #6
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    Re: danger when doing astral projection

    Hi Demsy. Even though everyone projects while they sleep, they are not awake for that. The astral, being made by the collective, does have some reflection of the physical, so your astral body and your mother's astral body can interact, so you can 'go' and see her where she is, just not in a material way.
    So it's not necessarily 'just' like a dream, because in dreams you can also see what's going on somewhere else.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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