I´ve finally manged to achieve a deep trance in my chair, what was needed was apparently a extra pillow to support the back and making it more relaxed.
I entered a deep trance before the bwgn preset started so that´s even better. I got the typical trance symptoms (feeling bigger and heavier), the loosening exercises was more easier to do.

After a while I experienced something that has happened on a few occasions: I started to spin around in my chair, not round and round, but to the left, then right then left again. After a while it stopped.
After that I thought I should try to focus on being in another place (my other room), It felt something was starting to happen, but I couldn´t really hold my focus on my other room, I wasn´t sure on what detail in the room I should imagine.

I also seem to be better by staying in deep trance, I could swallow my saliva without disrupting my deep state.

I try to practice 2 times per day, getting into a deeper trance seems to require that I be a little tired, but I will try to achieve it in the middle of the day too

Anyway, have anyone experienced this half spinning thing, does it represent anything?
