OBE Exit Poll # 4

Greetings All
Here I am pleased to post the fourth and last of the OBE Exit Polls. This poll deals with several phenomena that people sometimes experience while out of body.

Part One Phenomena experienced during an OBE.
During an OBE have you ever experienced (Yes or No)---
1) Acute senses, especially, but not limited to, sight and hearing?
2) Experienced confusion and/or fear?
3) Experienced extreme happiness, elation, joy and/or excitement ?
4) Have you ever witnessed anything while out of body that was actually confirmed or verified later?
5) Performed magic (magick) or had a special psychic ability?
6) Been under the influence of alcohol or Any type of mind altering substance (including OTC and prescription medication)?
7) Encountered any form of barrier that prevented you from continuing your travels?

Part Two Miscellaneous Phenomena
Please answer Yes or No to the following questions.
Have you ever ---
8 ) Used either a brain wave generator, hemi-sync music or a binaural beat CD/tape to help facilitate an OBE?
9) Ever encountered a very powerful superphysical or bio energy during an OBE?
10) Do you regularly practice meditation?
11) Have you ever deliberately induced an OBE directly from a dream or lucid dream?
12) Have you ever seen your own physical body from a point of view outside of your physical body during an OBE?
13) Have you ever seen the Silver Cord during an OBE?

Again thanx to all who responded to this and the other OBE Exit Polls.
The links to the final updated version of the Informal OBE Survey (to be found in several parts at astralpulse.com and at astraldynamics.com) will be posted in this forum in a few days.
