Quote Originally Posted by Korpo View Post
Actually, waking up at the moment a transfer to another location is supposed to happen does not necessarily mean you did not arrive. The only certain thing is that you have no recall of arriving! Assuming your ident "Punin" is a nonphysical location, it might well be of higher vibration and you might not have been successful in downloading that memory.
Yes, this is possible. And maybe I am currently receiving support and teaching lessons on how to achieve this (or to keep the memory of it) next time.

In a dream tonight, I was given (as a gift to keep) three books by an older brother of a buddy of mine. This guy is a kind of fitness / health coach and owns a gymn (workout studio). In the dream (non-lucid) I thought all the time that it had to do with healing. Then he told me about the first book that it was to show me "where to deliver / bring them". He was indeed referring to my 'patients' or at least to persons I was somehow in charge of. I thought then (still in healer and dream mode) this was a kind of directory or index of places for hospitals or emergency stations.

He then also explained the other books to me that had more content (not just a list of places) but I forgot what it was exactly, just relating them to my healer studies in general. They were all very coloured.

So, considering your comment above regarding 'location' jumps and also taking into account the act of 'delivering s.o.' to some place, I now rather suppose this was about retrievals. This guy also has a kind of 'real-life'-connection to Ronald, my first retrieval (simulation). As he is also a "health" coach it might still have to do with healing, but the phrase above stands out too much for me. Maybe it's both?

After all, being a non-physical helper is being a ... well, yeah ... helper in the first place. Any retrieval might involve some kind of healing (or a direct given healing even) and vice versa. Right?

If this all were true, then I hope that the books are still with me ("in" me) and maybe that it is a kind of energetic or informational zip-file (rote, compressed download) that might help me to navigate better on retrieval (taking people like myself to other places) or healing assignments?

Recently there's also much more learning and progress for me. More than I ever thought possible, before. In recent weeks some of my dreams bear a striking consistency. I've been a lot to the university, the same one I went to as a 20/30-something. I've been there before in dreams, too, but as of late it's really almost every night.

Now it seems there I have 'finished' a Spanish course because in one dream in class I (and others) even received from the teacher a certificate and a money grant. I have (due to lots of clues) reason to interpret the Spanish course as referring to healing somehow.

Then, after the Spanish certificate reception, I had dreams about taking a French course at the same university, which is a way more difficult language for me. So I might have taken up a new (and more complex) subject now? I often find myself in class speaking/hearing words in French (like in Spanish) before or I'm reading some sentences, doing exercises (e.g. filling gaps for missing words) on a blackboard asked by the teacher or on a piece of paper. But very often the meaning and my abilities then escape me again very fast (or ... the memory of it?).

So it makes me wonder what does French stand for now?

Well, one hypothesis is maybe past life research or aspect retrieval. I consider the 2 Punin kids to be a part of this, too. As I wrote here a while ago, I heard "Sinera's" voice in German with a French accent. I had the same French-lady voice in another recent dream on the phone again, telling me that a guy called "Felix" would like to speak to me...

To sum up, I seem to make progress, at least in dream state, as I continously manged to read/write/speak some stuff in a foreign language in dream class now.

Maybe I am even being prepared for sth? Maybe I am to do retrievals now. I have some other hints as to this in dreams. It seems there are people who come to me asking me to do sth like this or giving me clues. But it's all too much to write on now.

Moreover, I seriously wonder where this will lead me to. Will I end up enrolling for a course in Chinese, Arabic or Old Latin one day?