i slept for 5 hours, had a wonderful dream fully vivid. When i woke up i didnt open my eyes or move. I was in instant paralysis. Tried the rope technique, didnt work. Then i tried to move side to side and after tried to lift my hand, didnt work. Then at last i tried asking for help, that didnt work either. After i kept on trying these techniques but nothing happened. during this whole process i was rolling my eyes to the side that i intended to move my astral body. Also when i was trying these methods or any other techniues, i had like mind paralysis too where i could not even imagine myself moving, i couild only see like imaginery images in my mind like my kitchen but i could not really move my astral body with my mind. it was like i was too relaxed or something.
Couldnt figure this one out.....can anyone help me, PLEASE??