Had some amazing projections today

The first was a physical projection, I climbed out for some reason I felt kind of weak, dunno if maybe this is me not being used to moving in the physical world or what. But I looked over tot he curtains and a thought hit me, I had never notied how much the patterns on them looked like skeliton hands. I was somehow able to see beyond them to see a pond in the astral with light shimmering off it. Then that ended. Next I came out and went into the room anomaly that looked like a bathroom and I went throught he wall and came out in a place similar to my old house where my mom and step dad were watching historic films. At first they didn't notice me, but then I tried unsuccsessfully to make some of the stuff they were looking at vanish at which point they noticed my presence. After that I tried to go out and make a jump but went back before then. my last projhection was the most interesting though. I came out and tried to shapeshift, despite my success at energetic shapeshifting during that incident, the thing is back then it seemed to happen almost automatically and I don't really know how to trigger it intentionally, only one part of me changed when I tried. After that I decided to go to the record, but intead of jumping I made a door appear.

During that one incident I'm not supposed to talk about I discovered something interesting about my true nature. Part of the reason I have trouble traveling in the astral isn't because I'm too weak to get there, but because I'm much to strang and am not keeping this in check properly. This has to do with what sort of being I actually am behind the incarnated human. But anyway this came into play here. Before going into the doorway I visualized shrinking myself down, even though this was like ten feet high, and compared to my human astral body I should have easily fit just based off observations of the naked eye, noinetheless I had trouble getting through it even while crawling on my belly. nonethelss I did make it to the end of the dark tunnel and emerged in the record. I then scrambled to find a question to ask. The first one was really weird and I don't even know why I asked it. I asked "is that guy for real" referring to some questionable indevidual who I can't even remember now. In response I received an open windows software box whatever that means. After that I thought of a proper question and asked what the chupacabra is. The answer I got was that it is alot of different things, some conventional explanations, some not so conventional. Here are three of the answers I got an animal, an egregore born from animal violence, a ufonaut. I also recall some freinds were there, I have no idea if they were really my freinds or some astral representation, you never know with me, I'll have to ask them later just in case. After this the projection ended. In E A Koettings book Ipsissimus he talks about directly absorbing knowledge from the record into his third eye. I will need to try that when I go back there sometime.