I had several new projections today, it started with me viewing the room using 3rd eye vision, though I think it may have been my astral room since somethings were different. I came out and went over by the room anomaly but it was full of random stuff. I was about to go look for a guide but the projection ended.

I came back out again later and went downstairs, for some reason the door to outside was leading to another room that seemed to be some sort of underground gym. Sitting , staring at something I couldnt see was a very odd looking woman. Her eyes had a feral sort of look to them much like the afterimages I woulds see of king kandazi's eyes. I jumped down and began to talk to her but she completely ignored me as she seemed to be engrossed in whatever she was staring at, the projection ended there.

I wonder though, earlier I made a mental call to Armando and gave him persission to either reconnect me with king kandazi or someone new but only if he let me know what he was doing in some way. I'm sort of halfway tempted to say maybe this is an entity he found to help my development, but I can't say for certain yet. I need to project again to find out what is going on.