In working with the recent blog debacle, I found that for some reason if I go through all moderated blog posts and approve them, they seem to appear visibly.
I have now approve all blog posts by everyone I could (there were about 16)- so in theory all your blogs should be back, unless someone is in your 'ignore' list. Then all bets are off.

If after this you still can't see your blogs from a member please tell me which post isn't there and I'll take a look- but it appears that for some reason the blogs are set to 'moderate', which means a mod or admin has to approve them. I don't mind doing this (because it keeps spam away) if I know I have to, I'll make it part of my daily 'chores' here.

BTW, I could not find anywhere where it's set that way, I just found out experimentally that if I select your blog and approve it it appears to come back.