Yesterday I did dream that a boy 9 yrs old was jumping on my back and saying...father has come home...father has come back home....I did not even in the dream know who the boy was so I felt...okay...but what has it to do with me...and I went on and now I entered a room with many people and I knew it was not my folks but I did socialise a while and went I did enter a room with my folks and they where critizising other´s I did not feel good at all so I went away and now going to my room but my bed was gone, it was like a hospital or rest home....I did find a nurse and asked where my bed was taken, she said I was moved from this place to some where she wanted me to puch some code into a like pay maschine...she gave me the code...9547...when I puched the 4 she said there is two of them so I can choose whom ever of them...I noticed I did choose the for with a red 9 on too and the other 4 was only plane 4 on now I started to think what differense was between the two 4 but did not get to know the difference if there was any, but little bit worried feeling did enter me me maybe doing something wrong when I did pusch the code so quick withhout asking more instructions or directions....