WoW...CFT...That is a good interpretation....I have intergrated many aspects of me...but I can understand that it is not compleated still....I do not feel I am in charge of my "higher mind" I have difficulties to see what it is....It is not so long ago when I was in a group to learn to know the different energies there nature, crystal, dead or deaseced ...the teacher for the group said we shall think of a friend or relative on the other side....and I did have difficultie to pick one...I did see a black door in my mind´s eye and a voice said....pick me....and after the group session I did think about it who it would have bean behind the black door...and I think it might have bean my higher self...or at least the one who did educate me during the psychopath beating time in 1981 whom did tell me about our indestructuble core and that we are not our bodies....

Do you have any idea how to intergrate with my higher self ... but mind and body is very separate aspects of me...body is only a vechile for this time here and nothing more...the flesh-body...but off course the other bodies is more me that my is only this life personality, or am I wrong??
