Thank you Pneumismatic, that´s for sure...I feel euforic
Might sound strange but to dare to say out loud how much I have tried to be accepted and doing against better knowing, is shameful for me, but I am totally honest when saying....I really wanted to listen and obey, and it did come out so sick and in my confused state of mind I was not able to filter that why I had also so to behave as the rest of the "pack" it was too dangerous to lighten up the dysfuntionalitty so that the grown-ups did even protect predators as pedofils and made me feel I was weak when I did not just suck it up and shut the ♥♥♥♥ up talking about it.....So by this writing I will leave the past to be past...I now have clear picture of it, and now I stay in the NOW and start to consentrate on the energy work...Thank you for letting me be open and letting me talk straight and forward...Now is new time here.....Healing has taken place. Humbled thank to all!!