Thread: IA´s dream diary....

  1. #101
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by thedevil View Post
    Someone pretending to be me....


    I get the impression IA is incredibly strong spiritually and energetically. She feels the prana like electricity not many people can do that to my knowledge. IA DID YOU ever try meditating in nature for long periods of time and focus on the energy? You can make it over your whole body if you are good I bet it would be easy for you. This is what I consider to be enlightenment. I've been able to achieve it before a few times but only for short periods of time before I get energy attacked...

    Sorry I haven't commented btw... been busy. I have pictures of myself in my profile. Can you describe what the being looked like who said it was the devil please?
    No I have not done that for a long time or continuely, I have had so much other supressed or stuck energy to cope with...but I am soon there to start ...the few time´s I have bean meditating in nature I have felt all energies so chakras under my feet are crazy when walking bear footed and if I lean to a trea I feel energies very clear and strong from the tree...I think there is thing´s order so to speak...and I am soon ready for starting my real development of my energy-body.
    Thank you again for your support.

  2. #102
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I did have some face to face conversation with someone, I lost the memory what it was about...I did get a heavy coff attack....???

  3. #103
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I dreamt that I was at some place and I was watching a man putting cloathes on his boy child, he was so tired and sleepy, suppricingly I was carrying that child, I was talking out loud, where is your stroller, you are heavy to carry, I was approaching sea or water, I did see that water have reached abow the staires, I saw the fisches jumping beneath and was thinking if I will fáll or it was slippery, suddenly a fish did jump into my knicker´s and just when I did get grip of the fish my alarm went off....odd dream, no clue what it means??

  4. #104
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night in my dream I get a call from the man from India I had a relationship in the -83, he called me and he was drunk, he was living in the same area with me, he´s wife was not at home. I was helping someone to collect something, I was riding on the lorry-platform and this man from India did know where the well was...we stopped to drink water, he gave me the dipper with water, I was going to drink first but did find it disrespectful to the driver so I will be the first to drink....he said he did not mind if I had drink first, but I did think he was the driver therefore shall drink first.

  5. #105
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I did have 2 horric dreams.
    I was on my back lying on the ground, a big man did you come back...I got instantly feeling to be a prisioner so I was calm
    to see what happends...he did pusch me in front of him to a cave like room...I did make up my mind ...I am not going to stay I pusched him with force and the whole wall did get lose and did fly away several meters...the wall behind his back he landed in a small river or pool...he did laugh out loud...I got the feeling he was amused that I dared to pusch him away from me...he was a real big guy ...I started to run..I see him coming after me...I run and see a window and a latter up to the window...I know I do not have any keys so I have to go window way...I was lucky the window was open and I just in time before the man reached to grab me to shut the window and I was safe....huh!

    In this episod I was working on a day-care....children very dirty, crying and all was a big chaos...I was thinking...where shall I I took one boy with dirty dipers and started to wash him clean...I am exhausted today.

  6. #106
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I dreamt that I was in a area of strange way to build homes....It was like trench...tunnels ....between houses...I did leave a party to do something...and when I got back they had cut treas for the heating of the house and it was blocking the entrance so the door was not able to be opened I said...No I can´t squeeze me in from that small I went away...and I did hear a quarrel and a big fight start so I was happy I did not have to be there...I felt blessed and reliefed.

  7. #107
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    Last night I did have 2 horric dreams.
    I was on my back lying on the ground, a big man did you come back...I got instantly feeling to be a prisioner so I was calm
    to see what happends...he did pusch me in front of him to a cave like room...I did make up my mind ...I am not going to stay I pusched him with force and the whole wall did get lose and did fly away several meters...the wall behind his back he landed in a small river or pool...he did laugh out loud...I got the feeling he was amused that I dared to pusch him away from me...he was a real big guy ...I started to run..I see him coming after me...I run and see a window and a latter up to the window...I know I do not have any keys so I have to go window way...I was lucky the window was open and I just in time before the man reached to grab me to shut the window and I was safe....huh!

    In this episod I was working on a day-care....children very dirty, crying and all was a big chaos...I was thinking...where shall I I took one boy with dirty dipers and started to wash him clean...I am exhausted today.

    In my experience whenever you have dreams of flying or super strength or similar it means you aregetting much stronger spiritually and need to be extra cautious/careful and make sure you constantly maintain awareness as much as possible

    Funny dreams though
    U make me laugh. Reminded me of a dream I had a couple months ago. I was very angry in the dream and was swininging around on metal bars like a monkey or a gymnist and chanting "I'm the devil" then this big fat bald Guy said something mean so I punched him and he got knocked out then this other person in the dream started laughing hysterically

  8. #108
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by thedevil View Post
    In my experience whenever you have dreams of flying or super strength or similar it means you aregetting much stronger spiritually and need to be extra cautious/careful and make sure you constantly maintain awareness as much as possible

    Funny dreams though
    U make me laugh. Reminded me of a dream I had a couple months ago. I was very angry in the dream and was swininging around on metal bars like a monkey or a gymnist and chanting "I'm the devil" then this big fat bald Guy said something mean so I punched him and he got knocked out then this other person in the dream started laughing hysterically

    Thank you for telling me I make you laugh...haha...and I feel the same way about you. The stranges thing is that I feel like I know you?? It must be some kind of group-energy?? maybe...anyhow I am happy for your input, thank´s again.

  9. #109
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I did dream that I was walkin out in my pyjamas and talking telepathically with my sister...I told her that I have my menopause heat and I am out in my pyjamas walking...suddenly I noticed that I was to my ex husbands parent´s summer house..
    I was compelled ...what am I doing here...I noticed that my ex husband had loded a trailer with junk like old funitures and was
    going to refuse heap...I did hid my self until he left...and then I sneaked to the second floor and was thinking how I will keep me
    out of him noticing me being there.....??

    I feel this dream really are telling I am cleaning up old stuff....and I am really putting my feet down in my personal life maybe it is showing me by the dream...and I really feel ..I do not want to returne to anything old what I have left. Period.

  10. #110
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post

    Thank you for telling me I make you laugh...haha...and I feel the same way about you. The stranges thing is that I feel like I know you?? It must be some kind of group-energy?? maybe...anyhow I am happy for your input, thank´s again.
    I feel like I know you well too like we have a strong connection somehow. Past life maybe who knows buy GOD? IVE been BUSY/overwhelmed lately but hopefully soon we can get some more answers
    consistent lies is paradoxically a source of truth hubris is the true enemy it lied about me ( devil) & pretends to be me and God

    Sex is fun lies are sin tantra is observing orgasm in meditative trance state Saccral chakra rox

    GOD is the great ancient Creator spirit and i am a spirit made in Gods image I have everything I need to succeed & more & am actually moving through life at my own pace until I realize complete oneness with the great Spirit of Truth & achieve full enlightenment

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