Thread: IA´s dream diary....

  1. #1731
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by Antares View Post
    Talking makes little sense actually, maybe a bit here, but honestly, I can see how little experiences people here on the Earth have in reality, even if interested in the subject. I prefer to write down what I experienced or concluded from the experiences or information. But in general I would say that its' a clash of dimensions, and it is an unpleasant one. I need to be honest, most of today's eso literature is a garbage. You need to rely on your own discoveries and train your own mind, not rely on such books, not to mention useless but often expensive courses.
    Hi Antares. I know what you have told me that you have read and serced ancient texts...have you read Kurt Lelands The Multidimnsional Human for example?? Or tested Robert Bruces teckniques..did you not found anything in them??..Can you elaborate what you mean "clash of dimensions"..
    How is life in general?

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
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    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  2. #1732

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    I know what you have told me that you have read and serced ancient texts...have you read Kurt Lelands The Multidimnsional Human for example?? Or tested Robert Bruces teckniques..did you not found anything in them??..Can you elaborate what you mean "clash of dimensions"..
    First of all, are you aware that your thoughts are manipulated right now?

    I have no time to read anything recently, didn't read Kurt Lelands, but I'm not expecting anything extraordinary there. Have you read it ? What is your opinion on it? I tested different techniques for many years, my opinion is just like I wrote below: you need to watch your mind during these experiences. They are simulated. By the clash of dimensions I mean that I experience intervention of the "the other-dimension forces" in my life. This is why most of my time is used for researching it. Like I wrote below, no books reflect the truth about the reality (i.e. matrix). Such experiences as you indicate might help, but don't trust them. I trusted them in the past, but now I know they are not reliable, just like I already wrote. The only tool to assess them that you have is your mind (this includes perception) - do you assume that experiences resulting from such techniques as you indicate are reliable? Most of people on this forum do so, I guess.

    The most important idea about what I wrote before is the context: you are asking about life, and I'm trying to point out why people don't understand that life doesn't matter if they don't realize what is the reality they live in. It's like when you lived your entire life in a closed box and think that it's the whole reality - see the point and the problem arising from the perception of people living on the Earth? We are cheated and manipulated, the matrix is the system that manages our lives, our minds, our perception. Yes, this includes OBE and NDE. Again, please be aware that when you are reading it your thoughts are manipulated, watch your feelings as a reaction on these words... I hope you now understand why it's so hard to explain the matrix.

    Be objective, research the reality and don't assume things just because of experts

  3. #1733
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    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by Antares View Post
    First of all, are you aware that your thoughts are manipulated right now?

    I have no time to read anything recently, didn't read Kurt Lelands, but I'm not expecting anything extraordinary there. Have you read it ? What is your opinion on it? I tested different techniques for many years, my opinion is just like I wrote below: you need to watch your mind during these experiences. They are simulated. By the clash of dimensions I mean that I experience intervention of the "the other-dimension forces" in my life. This is why most of my time is used for researching it. Like I wrote below, no books reflect the truth about the reality (i.e. matrix). Such experiences as you indicate might help, but don't trust them. I trusted them in the past, but now I know they are not reliable, just like I already wrote. The only tool to assess them that you have is your mind (this includes perception) - do you assume that experiences resulting from such techniques as you indicate are reliable? Most of people on this forum do so, I guess.

    The most important idea about what I wrote before is the context: you are asking about life, and I'm trying to point out why people don't understand that life doesn't matter if they don't realize what is the reality they live in. It's like when you lived your entire life in a closed box and think that it's the whole reality - see the point and the problem arising from the perception of people living on the Earth? We are cheated and manipulated, the matrix is the system that manages our lives, our minds, our perception. Yes, this includes OBE and NDE. Again, please be aware that when you are reading it your thoughts are manipulated, watch your feelings as a reaction on these words... I hope you now understand why it's so hard to explain the matrix.
    Dear Antarest...Do you know that I can?t breath when your energies are so stressed and forced...Yes I have read the Multidimentional Human...and I urge you to read it too...and Yes we are monitored by they train us to evolve our senses and our inner being...I do think that as long as you are not in aligment with your life path so to say...they will try to give us some pointers and I can imagen to make you feel as you do have to find faith and to trust someone becisdes of yourself...we are tested in so many ways...I have bean tested in this lifetime few times...paths what was leading me away from my this life path so to say...and to let me know I was in wrong direction...I was as stressed as you are now...until I did leave the company of those who did not keep me on my path...and I felt very clearly...that the conviction I have...what I feel is my truth ...not to leave my truth what ever other say...or rediqule me to be a fool to believe in those things I are right...we are monitored and we get good help if we dare to trust the unseen energies who are here to guide and help us to evolve.
    I send you new energy and love.
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  4. #1734

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    I've read in the past quite a lot of books similar to the ones which you talk about. Now I know, as I wrote below, that all books are in fact channelings.

    This means that they are sort of propaganda to the Earth citizens

    This means that our free will is really restricted. Almost all your thoughts are not yours! This includes what you wrote here.

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    Do you know that I can?t breath when your energies are so stressed and forced...
    Our physiology and bodies are controlled. Do you know that? I'm sure that you have breathing difficulties not because of me, but because of the fact that your (and everyone's else) body is controlled, monitored etc. "They" know about our discussion. "They" monitor it strictly; as well as your and my thoughts. Whenever you're sick, it's because of "them". If you're healthy, it's also because of "them". "They" invisibly control our energy.

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    ...what I feel is my truth ...
    So what would you say on that: what you feel is not your truth, it's the truth "they" just want you to believe that it is "yours", that you think it is "yours", but it's the influence that I'm talking about. What you feel and percieve internally is programming - the influnece of "them". You will disagree with me not because you will, but because it's the mental trick "they" use on and on - for centuries, so that there's almost no information about the matrix. (See why it's hard to talk to people about the matrix? ).

    Don't write about stress or anything like that. Our emotions are under control. In other words, as I mentioned, your thoughts and emotions when you were reading my response were under an influence. And they are under the influence right now, and they were before you read it, and will be after you read it. Just like everyone else's.

    It's beyond-verbal, invisible, difficult to identify influence. This - i.e. the control and thus also invisible programming of our minds - is a level, or I'd say several levels, behind the level on which human minds typically operate. So it takes training to identify these. Otherwise you think for exapmle that you're doing OBE, but you are just experiencing a projection on your senses the pictures, sounds etc. That's why in the past it was called astral projection, and not out of body experience. See the difference between these two? I know that because of "them" influencing me, so I figured how it works. I already wrote about that below.

    The key to multidimensionality - multidimensional human - IMO, based on my experience, is mind. I.e. the mental sphere, not the astral sphere. Physical senses AFAIK are based on astral senses - they are actually almost the same. Hard to believe?
    This means that what you can see with your physical eyes is also controlled. It can be changed and modified in a fraction of second, so that you will see something else than there is in reality! A physician would say "impossible! it breaks the laws of physics", and I'd say: it's possible.
    I experienced that. I also know about a number of cases when people saw with their own (physical) eyes things that they were not, or vice versa - didn't see something that there was in reality.

    The physicality is similar to the astral plane. Technically speaking, the physical plane is based on the astral plane. This fact is very important, and it has a lot of consequences and explains a lot. Our physical senses are connected to our brains, the brain is connected to the mind, and our minds operate mostly on the astral plane. So our senses can be controlled from within the astral plane.

    The astral technology is what controls our minds. Hence we live in the matrix.

    I hope this explains the big picture of the reality we are in, but most of the time we are unaware of it. Most of people "think" (in reality not think, but are under the mental influence) that they should follow the lives they know from tv, internet, youtube etc. This is the propaganda from the beyond - to live their incarnations for, say, 70-80 years, on average. They believe that they will age and physially die. And, except the scientists and alchemists, people believe that it's impossible for the physical body to rejuvenate. But it is possible. Again, we live in the matrix, where people are under the mental influence. They believe in things which they are programmed to believe in (which are mostly based on their feelings - that's why I told below to watch your thoughts and feelings).

    I have a question: what do you think you will be doing after your physical death? Majority of people even don't think about that. It's interesting.
    Last edited by Antares; 6th August 2023 at 05:17 PM.

    Be objective, research the reality and don't assume things just because of experts

  5. #1735
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    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by Antares View Post
    I've read in the past quite a lot of books similar to which you talk about. Now I know, as I wrote below, that all books are in fact channelings.

    This means that they are sort of propaganda to the Earth citizens

    This means that our free will is really restricted. Almost all your thoughts are not yours! This includes what you wrote here.

    Our physiology and bodies are controlled. Do you know that? I'm sure that you have breathing difficulties not because of me, but because of the fact that your (and everyone's else) body is controlled, monitored etc. "They" know about our discussion. They monitor it strictly; as well as your and my thoughts. Whenever you're sick, it's because of "them". If you're healthy, it's also because of "them". "They" invisibly control our energy.

    Don't write about stress or anything like that. Our emotions are under control. In other words, as I mentioned, your thoughts and emotions when you were reading my response were under an influence. And they are under the influence right now, and they were before you read it, and will be after you read it. Just like everyone else's.

    It's beyond-verbal, invisible, difficult to identify influence. This - i.e. the control and thus also invisible programming of our minds - is a level, or I'd say several levels, behind the level on which human minds typically operate. So it takes training to identify these. Otherwise you think for exapmle that you're doing OBE, but you are just experiencing a projection on your senses the pictures, sounds etc. That's why in the past it was called astral projection, and not out of body experience. See the difference between these two? I know that because of "them" influencing me, so I figured how it works. I already wrote about that below.

    The key to multidimensionality - multidimensional human - IMO, based on my experience, is mind. I.e. the mental sphere, not astral sphere. Physical senses AFAIK are based on astral senses - they are actually almost the same. Hard to believe?
    This means that your what you can see with your physical eyes is also controlled. A physician would say "impossible! it breaks the laws of physics", and I'd say it's possible, I experienced that.
    Hi Antares.
    Yes I know the difference between astral projection and out of body is two different things...but you can investigate by astral projection too as I do.
    I am just now learning all these plans and what sense the different bodies has...mental astral etheric etc...I am just starting to find out when I have projected where did I project
    So...why do you be so agitated by how the world is you think you can change it not that maybe you have to change to discover more about and accept how it works??..just wondering...without knowing ..I hope you do not butt your head in vaine...Can?t you not instead tell what you have found when you have investigated becides those who you feel is standing on your way...and maybe it is that why they monitor you closely is for your own know that our inner senses and feelings, beliefs etc has to be in alignment with the shears/plans and be clean so to say...otherwise you polute with your uncleanse negative thoughts/feelings etc and that is one reason for closely monitoret...this is my two cents for now
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  6. #1736
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    In last night dream there was 2 dogs...Golden brown...and a black one....the black one was making a I put him on the balchony to cool off...the Golden brown dog wanted to go with the black dog I put to time off....I went to check on them and to see if he has calmed down....when I opened the balhony door the black dog tried to attack I close the door again...after a while the black dog started to say...hey...let me I opened the door little bit again...but no...he tried to jump on here I awoke myself...
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  7. #1737

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    I am just now learning all these plans and what sense the different bodies has...mental astral etheric etc...I am just starting to find out when I have projected where did I project
    Ok, if you find out something, you may share somewhere on the forum or beyond it if you want.
    What made you to start this new subject for exploration? When I was asking you 3 years ago or so, you wasn't too keen to explore it.

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    Can?t you not instead tell what you have found when you have investigated becides those who you feel is standing on your way
    I found what I already wrote about. There are many things, but most of them are hard to express verbally. There are no appropriate terms for this, as I already wrote. But basically I found how mind works, how different levels work, how our energy work, how complicated is the physical-energetic system, and without body how it feels to be just a consciousness, without energy, without physicality, without any weight...

    Be objective, research the reality and don't assume things just because of experts

  8. #1738
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by Antares View Post
    Ok, if you find out something, you may share somewhere on the forum or beyond it if you want.
    What made you to start this new subject for exploration? When I was asking you 3 years ago or so, you wasn't too keen to explore it.

    I did not understand what you meant 3 years ago...I could not connect to your energy...we talked about this and you said you have high protection if I remember correctly...
    and if I remember correctly you could not provide anything that I could feel and connect to..

    .Korpo is open and has come with that kind of information that I can connect to and he have provided knowledge where to find more and that is in Kurt Lelands books..

    The Multidimentional Human...I urge you to read it...Now when I understand what helps me and where to look...with time I will know what plans and bodies I have developed bodies has properties of the plans..and when developed enough inner senses you know where and how and what those plans demands so to say...

    I found what I already wrote about. There are many things, but most of them are hard to express verbally. There are no appropriate terms for this, as I already wrote. But basically I found how mind works, how different levels work, how our energy work, how complicated is the physical-energetic system, and without body how it feels to be just a consciousness, without energy, without physicality, without any weight...
    Yes you have written about this...but if you read The Multidimentional will find terms for understanding and when you have these terms what Kurt Leland he have explored and come down with dictionary so to say to all these phenomen and how to express them...

    Korpo is also very deep into this and can explaine very wide and deep...Now when you have your experience of these only need words to express find them in The Mulitdimensional Human...look and see if this is your sure is mine ..I have write after you writings too...I hope you can see it...

    Last edited by IA56; 8th August 2023 at 04:37 AM.
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  9. #1739
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    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    I took a nap...and I saw a image when I come out of the was like someone blow air through my crown chakra...the image was...I saw a man building a pyramid...I did not see his face...the picture was taken so the pyramid was infront of him...the outlines was on place but there where missing pieces in the middle...the pyramid was made in colore deep Maroon red...
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  10. #1740

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    Now when you have your experience of these only need words to express find them in The Mulitdimensional Human...look and see if this is your sure is mine ..I have write after you writings too...I hope you can see it...
    Nothing of this is finite, like exploration is done. I don't claim to be knowledgable on the universe, it's exactly the opposite. There are no words that can express everything, I'm not talking just about human's multidimensionality, but so many things that there are no proper terms for.

    The main problem is actually even not about terms, but about restriciting (manipulating) human minds - so that they were unable to understand it.

    Do you realize that your mind is manipulated right now? So that yo didn't understand what I mean?

    Be objective, research the reality and don't assume things just because of experts

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