Thread: IA´s dream diary....

  1. #351
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    In the Eye of the Beholder

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    ai, I believe You.

    you are welcome, and thanks to you too.

    Ocean Floor:

    odd thing about the mouth of a river carrying loads of what isn't water, as it is received in the gaping mouth of the ocean, all of it that ain't water ends up on the ocean floor. Deborah "Swallows Back" "Bee"; as in Honey for the hardcore who weren't sufficed of Milk alone.

    Jesus said, (paraphrase), "it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles one, it is what comes out of the mouth".

    mouth to mouth, ya see?

    a good read: The Palm Tree of Deborah:

    it has been scary writing all this to you ai, even over in another thread. why? well, because my friend, to be touched just so, deeply, makes me feel in kind. I too have been through my own traumas, twice over (turned over); and in this sharing with any other that I again by choice touch it in the commonality, it is thrice born to feel; but I know now that it cant hurt me, and in feeling it a-gain, it might articulatively help others as our gain.

    so i've prayed today on it, and i've wept today over it. that it for you, would as it has been for me, be twice over.

    be bright, unafraid to be afraid...

    Into The Day:

    and in your weakness, shine...

    A Little More:
    I Don't Ever Give Up:

    "I'm no fighter, but I'm fighting, this whole world seems uninviting..."

    Avatar: Passion Baby!

    Making Love Out of Nothing @ ALL:

    Az for Me, of my Self, I am Home

  2. #352
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by Tutor View Post
    ai, I believe You.

    you are welcome, and thanks to you too.

    Ocean Floor:

    odd thing about the mouth of a river carrying loads of what isn't water, as it is received in the gaping mouth of the ocean, all of it that ain't water ends up on the ocean floor. Deborah "Swallows Back" "Bee"; as in Honey for the hardcore who weren't sufficed of Milk alone.

    Jesus said, (paraphrase), "it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles one, it is what comes out of the mouth".

    mouth to mouth, ya see?

    a good read: The Palm Tree of Deborah:

    it has been scary writing all this to you ai, even over in another thread. why? well, because my friend, to be touched just so, deeply, makes me feel in kind. I too have been through my own traumas, twice over (turned over); and in this sharing with any other that I again by choice touch it in the commonality, it is thrice born to feel; but I know now that it cant hurt me, and in feeling it a-gain, it might articulatively help others as our gain.

    so i've prayed today on it, and i've wept today over it. that it for you, would as it has been for me, be twice over.

    be bright, unafraid to be afraid...

    Into The Day:

    and in your weakness, shine...

    A Little More:
    Thank you Tim, all is well with me and my son, it has bean such a fantastic experience...I will not go into details, but one week ago my son was brought to me...One year ago I did make such a hell for social service company, and he got 2 personal helpers to relief me a I have had small opprotunity to breath little more free...and I did get the feeling that I have to let go...totally...and I did find what life nurturing love is....I started to send this to my son...and I did behave like there is no problems or issues but love and wonderful peace....He did hit rock bottom and last monday the helpers did call me, my son does not want them to take him to hospital, he want´s to come to me...he wanted to talk to me...he said...Mother I have seen GOD I know now what I have done and bean doing so many years (19 yrs)...can I come home...I did hesitate for a sec....and I course you can come home...My son and I have always had this wordless communication, we need only to look into each others eyes and we he was in this trememndeous psychosis caused by drugs, I felt like a steady/calm/loving/firm mirror to him...he looked at me and I could see how haunted he was, I did not say anything but letting him look into my eyes and he did find his way out of the haunting horror and knowing it was not thrue and no truth, he wanted to have my protection (this is the 3 yrs old who did not get my protection because I was not able to give it to him, now I could)...I did put my gold cross around his neck..he used my cardigans for extra protection, we did pray togeather and I did child him......all is well today one week I have not slept so much but who cares...all is well, but I am not able to say what we did be through, but all is well.
    Thank you Tim and thank you ALL.

    I write better when all has seattled more down, it is too much going on at same time here


  3. #353
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Tim, thank you for the links about Kabbalah....this I really interpreted by the Kabbalists literally as a demon created by man's sin. can understand ....The saying that GOD does not have anything to do with our world and that we are the creators...YES, we create the demons and when we stop to believe in them they vanishes, they are not created by GOD but by men.

    I take the risk to be missunderstood we know duality is divided....this did happen when GOD had to pusch the Angel Lucifer out of the heaven and he did end up on earth so to speak....Lucifer does only give curage to men to live out all kind of filth to say all is okay, the human in self does create the demons by his/hers own will and fear, therefore demons are man made....Lucifer is created by GOD and is not evil yet dark...I am not so familar with all details but I try this way to show what I have through my son experienced....he was a Satanist and we did have our disscussions and he said to me....I am too God´s creation and God will not destroy his own creation...No he will not do I know today because he does give us so many opportunities to wake up, he will never stop believing in us and he never turnes his back on us...and the door is always open for us to come home....


  4. #354
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    In the Eye of the Beholder

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Duality is divided only in so far as you would deny YOU as that which in the midst being the union, which upon acceptance (responsibility and accountability) would clearly see, as you've said, ""Yes, we create the demons and when we stop believing in them they vanish, they are not created by God but by men".

    "real" depends upon the observer to without and their individual witness within, but real is real is real.

    but, do not say that the "enemy" is not real, for we are all everybit in this together, within what God has created; and the many yet depend upon "real". yet, understanding that, one is to love thine enemies, just as they do not love the "real", but rather do love the real. this because,, any dependent upon the "real" bear no external sign of the real though they too are everybit real internally. so, as one loves the real, one must also love the real even if unseen because of a "real" dependency.

    this is what one wrestles with, within themself, through intercessory prayer. the clothes do not make the man, God is the maker, and His peacemakers are of prayer given to God toward another/others. this was done for me, or i'd not understand it; so i too am bound to the real in as much as others, like i myself once were, are yet of the "real".

    and I boast not, for fear of very God, that i do not forget that from whence i am delivered, thus remembering whereof i have come to. doesn't mean that i am perfect, far from it. i wouldnt follow me (my own understanding), simply because i've a lot of "stuff/dependencies" yet to be worked out, as i come to see it 'as it is'.

    but it is within one's remaining weakness/es that our common strength may in the gatherance of our weaknesses, serve Christ our only strength when in weakness making plea for rescue.

    other than THAT right there, any one is powerless, for the power is God's, through Christ Jesus whom mediates our pleas. however, in reading, it is said, that God cannot but say aye. thus is the power of God with sight ever upon the children and not the persons; and Christ ever mediating with/for persons.

    the hi lo of it. but i am always dissatisfied with my ability to articulate it better. words are like breaths, if the reader/writer is not conscious of their breath, they are neither conscious of their word/s. we all breathe the same air, and we all speak with words. but, who can tame the tongue? not I, mine undoes me all to often.

    happy to read about you and yours in the midst of mutual reconciliation. praise the Lord our God Alone.
    I Don't Ever Give Up:

    "I'm no fighter, but I'm fighting, this whole world seems uninviting..."

    Avatar: Passion Baby!

    Making Love Out of Nothing @ ALL:

    Az for Me, of my Self, I am Home

  5. #355
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Yes Tim...You shall love your enemy because this enemy is YOU until you understand that there is only ONE. So off course have to be taught to love your enemy so you do not destroy your self, that you understand to what you are and that there are only ONE.


  6. #356
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I did have a dream that I had moved to another city, I had a female friend whom I was visiting, she did work in a restaurant. I did talk with the manager and ansked for work, and he did become very interested and said, yes he could give me work, I was so happy when I told my friend and I thought she would be very happy for us to come closer and now see more often, but she reacted with anger, and she said...but are you trying to get me saced, there is not enough work for us both, I said but the manager said there is....I felt total horrible and so sad that I had misstaken our friendship she did not have the same feeling as I did about our frienship, now she was anoyed me being there, I was a threat to her, and I was divided my own happiness and loosing her friendship whan she did not want me to live near her and not to work in same place with her??
    I was total perplexed over my misstaken she was my friend.

    What is this all about??...Is there some self aspect rejecting or separating or difficulty in integration??

  7. #357
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Strange dreams again...I was with my bf (never seen this man before, so it must be a future bf) I was all the time tired and sleeping, his ex gf was all the time at our place, I could hear them planning and doing things, and silenced when I come to the same room with them. Then I did make up my mind, I was nearly not coping to keep my eyes open and I had hard to stand up so tired I was (maby drugged) I said, now is time for you to go to your own place, go home, I said to the women, she did go but tried to get my bf to say she is staying, but he did not say anything so she went...
    In this episode I was coming home and I meet several gypsies coming from my home, and I see my bf talking to them. They go away when I come, and I try to ask my bf what all that was about, he did not want to answere me properly, I did say to my bf that do you know that the funitures in the hall is also mine, oh he said, and we went there to look, someone had broken the sofa, and I did say that maybe the gyspy children did it...he was most compelled when he saw a bed that there was someone living in our hall, my bf did have this look on his face that...ahaa, now I my surprise it was a small child who was sleeping in the bed in the hall, I asked if he was hungry, no he said...I asked if he is afraid to sleep alone in the hall, no he said...then I was not able to say anything, I couldn´t say to a child, to go out and I was thinking why does his parents put this little child alone here??..I do not know what of if they did ask permission from my bf, we never talked about this.
    In this episode I was high up on a buildings balcony and togeather with several we did threw out beans like confetti, it was somekind of celebration.

    I wrote maybe future bf, but when thinking it was the ex bf´s behavings totally, so maybe I did not recgonize him because I really do not know who he was, he never showed his real face so to speak, I do not think that I will meet another man like the men I have had this far in my life...It can´t go on this abuse I have faced this far in life, what has happened with my son, the spell is broken what was put on us, as it said in one dream...the sigil is broken, and all is to better now in our life.

  8. #358
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night in my dream I was dancing...I had moved back to up north to Älvsbyn and I got a job there, when bean introduced to new people at the dance they wondered why on earth I had moved to Älvsbyn such a small place, I said I got a job and I am so happy at this small place...I was pulled aside by a very good looking man, he had so dark hair not a single gray hair on his head and I was wondering how old he can be...he said...I will drive you home after the dance...I did look at him and wondered what is he after, what is his real I said...I think you will get better payed if you drive someone els then me....I have ride home, and I remembered the co-workers I was there with...

  9. #359
    Join Date
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    Oklahoma USA
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by IA
    I think you will get better payed if you drive someone els then me....
    :laughing: That's frank enough!!
    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
    - E Hubbard

  10. #360

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I did have a dream that I had moved to another city, I had a female friend whom I was visiting, she did work in a restaurant. I did talk with the manager and ansked for work, and he did become very interested and said, yes he could give me work, I was so happy when I told my friend and I thought she would be very happy for us to come closer and now see more often, but she reacted with anger, and she said...but are you trying to get me saced, there is not enough work for us both, I said but the manager said there is....I felt total horrible and so sad that I had misstaken our friendship she did not have the same feeling as I did about our frienship, now she was anoyed me being there, I was a threat to her, and I was divided my own happiness and loosing her friendship whan she did not want me to live near her and not to work in same place with her??
    I was total perplexed over my misstaken she was my friend.

    What is this all about??...Is there some self aspect rejecting or separating or difficulty in integration??

    Hi IA,

    Maybe this IS part of yourself, the new stronger part of yourself coming through. The old self is not wanting the change and to loose it's power. I can see the strength in you telling the man to take someone else home, this is the new you. You have worked so hard.

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