
It has been a very, very long drought. I have read many, many books and gotten nowhere. With the exception of one early morning where I experienced vibrations that ultimately died out, I've had nothing in 11 months. Very disappointing.

Yesterday, I had a brainstorm that should have hit me 10 months ago: go back to the basics. I re-read these entries and realized that I haven't been doing any of the things that got me success in the first place. Let that be a lesson to all, there is great value to logging your experiences. Without these entries, I wouldn't know what I had done to achieve success in the past.

So, with this ridiculously simple insight, I headed back to the basics yesterday. What worked?? Raising energy and energy circuits. Plain and simple. Really, what kind of moron loses the thread on something that simple? Throughout the day yesterday, I sponged energy up from my feet and into the sub-navel storage center. I sponged energy down from my head into the same area. I did it off and on all day. There is something magical about this. Last night, I woke up at 2:00 and 4:00, something I had not been doing in a long time. When I'm waking up like that, I find that I'm more likely to have success.

At 4:00, I began running the energy circuit, over and over. I drifted off to sleep, only to awaken to the vibrations. They can be creepy sometimes but I LOVE the feelings of those vibrations. This time, rather than just sinking downward, as I normally do, I shot upward with such force that I felt like I was on a rocket. It seems amazing that this would actually produce a sense of g-force when there should be no reason for me to feel that (does the astral body have an inner ear???). To be fair, I'm not sure if the experience was an OBE or not but it certainly had some of the elements.

I found myself in what seemed like a shopping mall. People were walking about and did not notice me. I was swimming through the air, just above the heads of the people. After a few moments, the slowness of the swimming got frustrating. I thought, "Hey, I'm OOB, I can just go somewhere else with a thought." With that, I appeared somewhere else (but still within the mall). What makes me question whether or not this was real is that I then had a false awakening type experience (normally, I wake up in my body, very excited after an OBE). This time, I awakened in a bed in that mall, trying to have another OBE. I was able to get the vibrations going but then transitioned into being truly awake.

Very interesting. Will this return to the basics get me back on track? I sure hope so.