Quote Originally Posted by Beekeeper View Post
You're finding what works for you and that's the important thing. It's not a one size fits all thing.

And I've honestly been going about this whole conscious exploration thing in the same manner one would follow a cookbook recipe. I surprise myself in this. I like to think I'm fairly flexible in how I interpret and approach the world around me, all new ideas and experiences included.

I think the big lesson here is that this isn't really about astral projection after all: it's about self-discovery on *every* level and how those discoveries can benefit someone else as well. How I approach "getting out" should be shaken up if "staying in" means evolution stalls. When a new cause elicits a new effect--that's the perfect time to open up. God knows I've got enough junk cemented in place as it is, and I'd love to learn to experiment and be flexible here.

I'll get off my soapbox in a moment, but after reading literally hundreds of posts here and on other sites across the web, I'm taken aback at how many people, myself included, approach AP as if it's the Holy Grail...it just isn't. In fact, I'd rather stay right in my skin until I can summarize, at least in part, WHY I want to get out in the first place. I'd rather hit wall after wall until I've mastered the fine art of seeing walls and learning why they're there and what my role is in either removing them or working with them. It's all easier said than done, but again, I'd like to think I'm getting there.

For what it's worth.
