Hi everyone,

I'm a long time visitor of these forums, but this is my first post as i just recently experienced an astral projection! I'm a scientist by day and must admit, i've been skeptical, but always hopeful, as to the nature of astral projection. Anyway here is a report on my experience.

I've always had lucid dreams throughout my life, but about 4 years ago i experienced one that seemed far to real to be a regular dream. After doing lots of reading i discovered astral projection and have tried since then (on and off) to learn to project. Only just a day or so ago i actually projected! I went to bed and simply did about 10 minutes of energy raising and chakra stimulation, then rolled over to go to sleep and thought nothing more of it, except for the fact that i really felt like i'd stimulated my chakras properly, something i hadn't properly felt before. The next thing i noticed was that i was still in my room, lying on my bed, except i was really struggling to move. You know that feeling when you fall asleep on your arm and wake to find that you can't move it? It was like that, but my entire body was experiencing it. I called for my girlfriend, who was lying next to me, to help, but i couldn't see her. I started to wonder as to whether i'd projected. I then noticed that i could only see out of one eye, so i yelled 'eyes start working!' but it'd didn't help. I then realised that i must be struggling to move because i'm too close to my body. I crawled out of my room and down the hall, and as i did, movement became easier. When i got to the lounge room of my apartment, i had full movement, so i ran and jumped out of my lounge room window and landed on the street below. Upon doing so i leaped into the air to try and fly up into space. I remembered reading in Astral Dynamics that keeping your arms at your sides and flapping your hands helps you fly faster.... boy did it work! I shot to the end of the universe, beyond which was nothing but white! i thought then that i had gone too far, so i turned around and flew back into the universe, then wished myself back into my body. I ended up being back in my bedroom, but not in my body. it took a number to tries to reintegrate into my body.

When i woke, i asked my girlfriend if she heard me sleep talk and she said she hadn't. I instantly got up and recorded the experience!

Just wanted to share my experience with you all! i hope that i can have conscious projections one day and not actually sleep through the projecting part! Has anyone else had a similar experience of flying to the edge of the universe? Did you see nothing but white also? i'd love to hear about it!
