I believe I've had my first official AP experience last night.

I'd spent almost an hour raising energy and meditating. My family and I were sleeping in our basement beside the fireplace. It's a cozy spot. Everyone had drifted off to sleep about the time I finished my routine. I slipped into bed and could feel the vibration building below the surface almost immediately. I let go. I didn't plan anything, in fact, I was so tired I almost wished the vibrations would hold off.

I awoke an hour or so later to the rushing vibrations filling my whole body and shifting me quickly into a sleep paralysis state, uncomfortable, but once I let go and started doing rope it was simple and easy. After some time of failing at rope, I decided I was tired of the paralysis and since I can easily break them by adjusting my breath, I did just that. All went quiet for a time I can't recall. Then I heard the most amazing drums, something tribal, electric, like nothing I've ever heard. I became acutely aware that my breath wasn't moving my chest, if I was even breathing.

I knew this was it.

I sat up, realizing I was leaving my body behind. Things were murky so I called for clarity and things tightened up a bit. I moved to the end of the bed and jumped off, up the ceiling with as much force as I could. I didn't go through, but slowly and gracefully found myself standing on the ground. My basement looked nothing like it normally does. It was empty, monochrome. Just then I tried turning my head to the right but couldn't, something was blocking me: my pillow. I realized I was experiencing an incomplete mind split so I made a break for the door, but was clearly too close to my body and the next thing I knew my eyes popped open. I was electric, awake, in awe.

I had the most profound sense, once awake, that I had lost most of the experience in the download. I have no idea how much was lost, I only know that when I was back in my body, it seemed like I left behind far too much to make any firm conclusions about what happened.

I wish the experience had been crisper, but I'll take what I can. This is a slowly evolving thing for me, and I'm content with what happens, as it happens.

So that's it kids. That's my first outing. I want to thank everyone here that's been so supportive and helpful, especially CFTraveler.

I can't wait to report back with more.
