Dear Forum,

Inspired by Soulsail's success story, I wish to share something that maybe could be of help to some here. I deeply respect Robert Bruce's New Energy Ways and I thoroughly enjoy doing it feeling the sensations and such, I also enjoy doing it in the frame of mind of a little boy who is playing, having fun and I do have fun with it.

And if a successful projection depends on the amount of energy raised (as Soulsail's story suggests) then I believe that maybe many other ways, that also suits each individual person, to raise energy could be utilised as well. For me, I happen to be a breathworker (rebirther) and I just did a session of rebirthing and realised that this indeed also prestimulates the energies in a way that is of course very much in Robert Bruce's/MAP spirit. I raised energy after the session and felt very quickly the heat develop in my stomach (sub-navel storage) and whole-body tingling. I have not gotten to the trance- or loosening parts yet, so I did not attempt any exit (I am deliberately progressing very slowly) but what I would like to hand here is a piece of information that maybe could be useful to people if they have difficulty in getting enough energy raised. And, as also Robert Bruce stresses, as also my breathwork teacher stressed, physical sensations/experiences themselves are not really a good indicator of energy flow, when you're really trained energetically, you could just have a slight tingle when a massive amount of energy is on the move.

(I guess energy could also be raised by ecstatic dancing, love-making, acupuncture, yoga, chi gong, fasting...)