To get the optimal use you have to listen to Binaural Beats with Headphones, whereas Isochronic Tones can be used without Headphones.

I use Binaural Beats/Isochronic Tones quite a bit, almost daily. The "Brain Entrainment" you receive over a long period of time is priceless.

Some of my favorites are anything by Paul Collier, found in a simple Youtube search. He has over 100 songs on his playlist. More than enough to experiment with and find the ones that work for you personally.

For Isochronic tones I use DJ Vishnu's Meditation Series. He has 10 half hour tacks that are very good. I had to give my email address, but did not receive an influx in Spam, like you do from some other sites. After about 6 months I received one email telling me about 2 new tracks I could get of his.

There are a loads of great Binaural Beats and Isochronic Tone tracks to be found on Youtube. I go there often. I don't like the mono tone ones though. I feel they get boring too quickly. My personal favorites are the ones that have a good background accompaniment.