My Fiance, has a lazy eye. She has a hard time seeing with both eyes straight. But I think that has helped her along the years with her meditations. She is years ahead of me in meditation etc. She literally can see with her 3rd eye, almost AT WILL. She thought everyone could see images like this.

I have worked so hard and have to be really deeply in trance to be able to see any hypnogogic images.

Well sometimes we travel and in certain "nature" type environments she can see clearer than normal.

But couple nights ago, we were cuddling in the dark and I asked her what she was seeing. She can often describe to me exactly what her 3rd eye is showing her while wide awake. This is quite weird. So I said, let me try and project a thought into her head. We have always known that both of us were on the same "Wavelength" when it comes to everything. But her skills are more highly developed in some areas.

I held onto her head and rubbed her temples and tried to project an image of one of our largest local churches. I tried to think of the inside with its high ceiling and the large steeple and the concrete feel to it.

She said she was seeing a cathedral.

I was spooked.

I decided to try again, this time I pictured some newly bloomed flowers we had growing outside, and looked at it from different angles in my head as I tried to project that thought into her head.

She said she was seeing a flower that was morphing or changing shapes.

I was REALLY fricken spooked.

I told her she was right again. We were both thinking this was really cool. So we tried again and again.

She got 4 or 5 of them right. It seemed the more excited we got the less accurate she got.

The final one was quite funny actually, and we laughed histarically. Nothing worked after she said she saw a large snake by 2 rocks. I had been trying to project an image of my .. you know what.. and that broke the ice we couldn't get anymore right after that.

I have never EVER thought the human body was able to do this. I am still shocked to this day.

Has anyone else also experimented with something like this???