Let me state clearly from the start that I do not consider myself an expert in dealing with negs. As I posted above, yes, I've dealt with some scary stuff, but nobody has sent me a diploma or certificate just because I came out the other end with a few lessons learned. I only have my experience, my opinions, and my sense of direction--something that's changing all the time as I broaden my views. More, I don't want to open the can of worms on whether Frozen Astral's experience is the direct result of an evil entity, or if he's confronting an inner issue that's taken on a specific, external form.

He's struggling, period.

Yet, I am fairly certain that talking to negs is seldom a good idea. Questioning entities that present themselves as harmless, human, or just baffling is another matter. They may be in costume. They may be evil, they may be benevolent, hard to say if they're behind a mask. That's where questions come in handy. But there's no cosmic law that I'm aware of stating that you can trust a neg's answers if you want to take that road. Doesn't work that way. You're free to ask, but realize that the answer, if you get one, will likely be the very thing it ultimately uses to strengthen its grip.

And when the thing is menacing outright, a little caution goes a long way. I won't go into too much detail on the entity I had to do battle with for months, but I learned the following through trial and error.

Here are a few blurbs from my journal:

"This thing loves nothing more than to see me afraid, mad, frustrated, broken, or desperate. The fear is gone, too much activity to be scared anymore by it. But it's persistent. It wants to wear me down, I can feel it. No amount of going about my routine as if it didn't exist seems to matter. In fact, when it moves the bed I tell it I'm not afraid. I tell it to move the bed all it wants. And so, it does just that. I need to watch what I say. Challenging this guy to a match of wills is not smart."


"Broke down tonight and got super angry. While everyone was sleeping, I had it out with this thing after it came across the room and started messing with my feet. I assured it that having a foot fetish was a little juvenile, after all. I had the clearest sense that it was really enjoying my mood, feeding off of it, encouraging more. What I saw as rational self-defense on my part, it saw as cracks."

Of course, later I understood why it was going for my feet, thank you Robert Bruce.


"Got an EVP monitor. Set it out tonight and asked the entity a series of questions. Played back tape until my blood went cold. I am not making any progress here."

Fast forward a few months

"Have taken on a purely defensive stance. Grounding, centering, etc. I now sleep on a grounded sheet I got on Amazon. I sleep with a static protector plugged into my sheet's grounding socket. for God's sake this thing is made to protect computers, but it works so I'll leave it at that. All lights are on. Music going. This is not conducive to sleep, but at least I am sleeping *some* for a change. I wonder what the cleaning ladies think about this setup."

"Had the sudden realization that this thing LOVES to be taken seriously. I bet it picks up on my inner dread every night when I lay down. So, I now have my laptop by the bed. When it comes around tonight, I'm going to read The Onion and laugh out loud."


"The Onion worked! I laughed so hard I woke my wife, but then she started and laughing and the usual dingy, dark room lightened up a few shades. I slept."


"I have made a list of every positive change to come about in my life as a direct result of this haunting. It's a long list: patience, courage, faith, compassion for others suffering. I thank our "host" now when it comes around for helping me develop these qualities."


"I don't speak to it anymore. It's mellowed a lot. If I must speak, if I can feel it watching me and I sense it knows that I know...I just tell it I'm still working on the issues. Thank you for showing me all these little messes in my life."


"Note to self: where your attention goes, so to, goes your energy. Realized I have a few habits that give off energy, and if I'm careless with those habits, I ramp our guest up. Must clean out my personal closets a little more."

Okay, so I'll stop now. It goes on like this for some time. The big point in all this is that after I had learned how to handle ME in the midst of a storm, only then did I wield the power to speak out loud to the spirit AND be taken seriously. I had grow up in so many small ways, each of them adding up to a big whole. I had to learn where I was leaking bad energy and keeping the door open. Once I'd closed those doors, I took a walk through my house and said the following in every room:

"Your stay here is over. There is no more welcome mat. You have no more ground to stand on. I know it and you know it. So leave. And if you don't, I'll only take that as a sign that I've got more work to do. So be it."

I really need to stop writing novels here on AD. But this is pretty critical.

Did our spirit leave? I don't know where it went. It may still be in the house, but I don't care because it doesn't have enough power anymore to insert itself into my affairs in a way that makes any difference. Sometimes I can feel it come back around and I'm vigilant to look inward first in those cases. I clean up my mind, clean the house, open the blinds, get the Vivaldi going.

It never hangs out long. It was banking on the idea that I thought it had a right to be here in the end, and once I saw through that, it's been pretty calm.

Okay, I'm done. I think I've made my point.
