
Sometimes I feel my whole body vibrating from head to toe at random times during the day or night. I especially sometimes feel vibrations when I feel extremely emotional. For example if I feel really sad, sometimes I will feel like a wave come over me, and my body will start vibrating rapidly all over. But when I start vibrating I usually start to feel better and the emotion passes. The only other time I've ever experienced a similar type of vibrations was after lucid dreaming and returning to my body. I also sometimes feel vibrations in located spots especially under my left armpit and behind my right shoulder blade. I don't understand what is causing them during normal daytime hours, or what they are exactly. Are the vibrations from my own astral or emotional bodies? I also had a passing thought that maybe I was sensing some other entities or beings, and that my body starts vibrating when they are near? Any help clarifying what I am experiencing would be much appreciated.
