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Thread: College Student Motivation Help

  1. College Student Motivation Help

    Hi It's been awhile since I have looked into astral projection. It has been something that has been "bugging" me for the past eight years. I have been trying on and off with it, but in the past eight years, I have not had an accomplished out of body experience (at least one that I can remember). I have had many sensations, such as energy raising and some body jerks at night time, which has pushed for my interest to try this. Everytime I have a session, I would get up to vibrations and pressure, but I could never get farther than that, or not knowing what to expect.

    I have come to realize that I have to either go for this completely or leave it all together instead of playing around with it for the past eight years. The trouble is, it is hard for me to get motivated to practice for an hour a day, for 90 days, while I am in school and studying. These aren't excuses but it's about time management. It's just hard when I have things such as exams to study for, papers to write, and then having to spend an hour of my time to try and astral projection with no "guarantee" of success. For me, it's alot like if you lift weights, you gain strength to lift more, or if you run more, you'll be able to run longer.

    I'm not necessarily I am looking for "proof" that my endeavors will end in success, but maybe some advice from people who have achieved a successful astral projection experience. This is pretty hard for me to write about since learning about astral projection shifted my life in a big way and has shaped the way I looked at life after death. It has been that splinter in my brain for the past eight years wondering "Is it real?" similar to Neo's question in the Matrix, "What is the Matrix?". I am in desperate need of a "guiding light" to keep following til I achieve a successful astral projection.

    If you need any clarification of my request, feel free to ask thanks!

  2. #2
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    Re: College Student Motivation Help

    Hi Spoon. (or NoSpoon).
    Frankly, I don't think you have to practice one hour a day in a strict sense, however, it all depends on what version of the MAP program you are talking about doing. There are ways to get around the time crunch, depending on what kind of experience meditating you have, and what your schedule looks like.
    If you are doing the book version, then time doing the exercises (mental exercises) can be divided when you're sitting waiting for the next class, or the bus, or any other type of waiting- and it doesn't take that long to read what you're supposed to do next.
    When you first start reading the book you may have to dedicate some time to reading, but once you're actually doing stuff, time just shows up, and you manage.

    When I was in college I remember sitting in corridors waiting for the next class, and I can think of many times when I could have been doing energy work or meditations- if I had know how to way back then.
    If you are asking about the CD set, then it's another story- you do have to read the booklet and listen to the CDs for as long as it's supposed to be, at least the first few ones, because they are foundational- when you get to the last two, then you just do them when you have time.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
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    Re: College Student Motivation Help

    Quote Originally Posted by ThereIsNoSpoon View Post
    Hi It's been awhile since I have looked into astral projection. It has been something that has been "bugging" me for the past eight years. I have been trying on and off with it, but in the past eight years, I have not had an accomplished out of body experience (at least one that I can remember). I have had many sensations, such as energy raising and some body jerks at night time, which has pushed for my interest to try this. Everytime I have a session, I would get up to vibrations and pressure, but I could never get farther than that, or not knowing what to expect.

    I have come to realize that I have to either go for this completely or leave it all together instead of playing around with it for the past eight years. The trouble is, it is hard for me to get motivated to practice for an hour a day, for 90 days, while I am in school and studying. These aren't excuses but it's about time management. It's just hard when I have things such as exams to study for, papers to write, and then having to spend an hour of my time to try and astral projection with no "guarantee" of success. For me, it's alot like if you lift weights, you gain strength to lift more, or if you run more, you'll be able to run longer.

    I'm not necessarily I am looking for "proof" that my endeavors will end in success, but maybe some advice from people who have achieved a successful astral projection experience. This is pretty hard for me to write about since learning about astral projection shifted my life in a big way and has shaped the way I looked at life after death. It has been that splinter in my brain for the past eight years wondering "Is it real?" similar to Neo's question in the Matrix, "What is the Matrix?". I am in desperate need of a "guiding light" to keep following til I achieve a successful astral projection.

    If you need any clarification of my request, feel free to ask thanks!
    I really love the matrix too. It gives a lot of philosophical life questions to think about. I am sure you may be aware that waking life is virtually indistinguishable from dream life and then you might also recognize that this could even potentially be a false awakening. There was a famous philosopher I always like to tell people about. He dreamed he was a butterfly, but when he woke up he was confused about whether he was actually a butterfly dreaming to be a philosopher!

    The main thing is to become lucid/more aware like Neo from the matrix. You can do that anywhere no matter what you happen to be doing (martial arts is a type of awareness training for example) In Buddhism this is called mindfulness, in astral daynamics its called MBA (mobile body awareness), in the Bible its called thinking ability, etc... once you become more lucid and start to realize the truth like Neo (who I stress lived in a world of deception/lies/illusion) then all the other spiritual abilities will soon follow such as astral projection. Its all very logical and simple actually but sometimes its hard to break free from lies. The truth will set you free. Just remember there is no spoon

    P.s. take it with a grain of salt but I believe those jerking movements you experience are psychic attacks and are usually referred to as hypnic jerks
    consistent lies is paradoxically a source of truth hubris is the true enemy it lied about me ( devil) & pretends to be me and God

    Sex is fun lies are sin tantra is observing orgasm in meditative trance state Saccral chakra rox

    GOD is the great ancient Creator spirit and i am a spirit made in Gods image I have everything I need to succeed & more & am actually moving through life at my own pace until I realize complete oneness with the great Spirit of Truth & achieve full enlightenment

  4. #4
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    Re: College Student Motivation Help

    Hello, ThereIsNoSpoon.

    Do you enjoy practicing? How does it make you feel - is it hard work, effort, fun, playful experiment, frustrating?

    I personally found that whenever I practiced without a fixed goal, present and curious about what would happen, I would get the most interesting results, but not necessarily the results I had originally had expected.

    Also: The amount of allotted time might not be the most important factor.

    How long does it take you to get to a trance with the accompanying phenomena? Could you incorporate small units of doing energy work/stimulation practices at other times in your daily routine without allotting one monolithic block to it?

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