Begin by going through images of the lotus flower (you can use the ones in this thread), remember that the significance of the lotus symbol is etched in our antiquity itself , from ancient Egypt to ancient India it has represented our spirituality blooming.The Sahasrara/Crown Chakra itself is depicted as Lotus blooming - that is all we are simply reminding ourselves of.
We all have filters through which we view the world (no "ifs", "buts" or "i don't think so") do away with the wariness , imbibe and assimilate the lotus and let it nestle in your mind's eye.

*Remember the unfurled lotus is your innermost spiritual self and one that's unfurled in it's radiant bloom is one representing your highest evolution.As you open each layer of the lotus you undo locks and barricades which you erase as previous limitations and impediments.

*Begin by seating yourself in a comfortable position.If you have problems keeping your spine straight or feel tired and/or uncomfortable in pose of meditation you're welcome to prop yourself against support.

*Start by making roots , these are coming from your tailbone , the area where your spine ends and the perineum meets the floor and extend outwork in a mesh work concentrically .
Make the stem as a long clear hollow tube going from the roots upwards from the spine and ending in the top of your cranium.
End with making a closed bud of the lotus on the top of your cranium.Imagine this to be the size of a closed clenched fist.

*Take sometime but be very sure to firmly visualize the entire body of the lotus form the root , stem and flower-head , clearly and definitively.This is the energy construct you will be working with , being clear ahead of time will yield in dividends.

*We will now engage in a basic root lock.Imagine a clear "Bolus of Energy" , a ball like sphere of light that forms as you squeeze your genital sphincter and the anal sphincter , in doing so "trapping" the sphere of energy in the between the locks.
This sphere of energy we will propel upwards within the stem as we open the locks.This is done by imagining the lattice work of roots as an inverted "cone" the circular base of which expands outward from the perineum to the ambient area where you sit and meditate.The tapering "spike" of the cone connects the sphere of light from the tailbone and delivers it into the stem.

*As you inhale let the sphere travel upwards from the spine into the cranium and finally into the lotus.
As you exhale expend the energy of the sphere into opening a singular concentric layer of petals from the bud.When you repeat the cycle you will open a second layer of petals around the first layer and so on.

*If you have difficulty coordinating the locks and the movement of energy flow that is in concert your breath you can break up the process till you get a handle on how to move it upwards in coordination of your breathing cycle.
If you have difficulty in connecting the tailbone , the cone and the stem , you can simply first start focusing on opening the lotus in your crown chakra and then afterwards connecting it to the lattice work of the conducting apparatus below.
inhale (the energy moves from downwards into the lotus).
exhale (the energy opens a whorl of circular petals around the bud).

*If you have difficulty in engaging in a complete root lock you can simply "clench" your lower abdominal muscles , once you release the navel lock you can use the feeling of "release" in aiding and expelling the energy upwards.

*After you feel you have opened a sufficient number of layers within the lotus , you can use the composite of energy and the bloom to expand your ajna chakra and the sahasrara chakra outwards from the cranium in a resplendent display of translucent light-like petals , for that you simply revel in the feeling of a blissful flower of light opening within yourself - what better way to end a meditation with?