Hi Robert,

I just read the post by MatrixIsYou and your answer to that question.

My problem is similar, but than it is very, very intense. It wears me out completely. Sometimes I have to sit down or lay down on the floor quickly. Also when I am out shopping.

I have this serious problem with my eyes. There is a pressure from within that is creeping and crawling and moving behind and between my eyes and nose and forehead. It is more than intense, no exageration, and I have to lay down much of the time to recover, before I can focus enough to continue what I was doing. So it really floors me. It takes most of my energy away.

Some other times it also happens that I feel my heartchakra beating and playing up that it almost takes my breath away. It is such an incredible strong pulsating feeling that again I really have to lay down and wait until it's slowing down back to normal again, which mostly takes twenty minutes or so.

Not only do I feel weird, it’s also visible to others, my eyes look weird as well. I do wear shades a lot, but especially in the evenings that’s not always convenient. These happenings have an impact on my social life. People look at me as if they see water burning at times, and that makes me a bit nervous, so I have become more and more a recluse, that I can live with, but preferably ONLY part of the time, because I do enjoy the company of people! It even effects my speech occasionally, when it feels I can't move my chin properly.

So this condition is interrupting my life socially and professionally. This has been going on for more than 30 years now and I have tried a few things during that time, but without much success. I am very healthy by the way, physically strong and sporty, no drugs, no smoking, healthy food, a little wine.

Anyway, I hope that what I've described makes sense to you.

What do you suggest?

Thank you for an answer and all the best,
