Ok its been about 5 years since I started this and I think I can finally say I can project at will within about 15 minutes. This is usually a 95% chance for me. I am stil having some problems though. I can only do this during the day while taking a nap for some reason, but thats fine for me.

Ok so usually I lay down to take a nap and in about 10 mins i can feel body going to sleep, 5 to 10 mins after that I can induce vibrations. After I feel myself lift up, and i usually get stuck against my wall right above my body. I pretty much have lil control from here and float about above my body for around 5 mins (i think) before returning. So i seem to have a problem controlling myself which I think comes from my next problem. I don't know what exactly I am seeing. Theres been time where I think I'm looking around my room but most of the time I am seeing my eyes closed (from myself laying down). Kind of hard to explain... Basically I feel like I need to shift my vision from my body to my projection. Any ideas?

Two other things also. When I do project, I usually hear people talking but I am completely alone when I do this. Also I sometimes feel wind being blown on me. is this astral noise and wind?

Thanks for the help!