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Thread: Exiting through crown chakra

  1. #11
    Fliesatnite Guest
    I suppose I should be more exact in my description of my exits. Sorry, when I do consciously exit, I simply raise my hands and whoosh out of the top I go.

    Don't get me wrong, I've rolled out, sat up and exited that way also, but mainly it's 98% out through the crown. I guess what I'm trying to say, is I never realized that the crown exit was even significant until recently. So, it's more of a natural exit without making a point to say "oh, I think I'll exit out of my crown chakra". lol I just do it without thinking about it is all.


    You seem to be quite versed in your OBE's and astral travels do you make it a point to do one thing or another or do you do whatever the situation permits?

  2. #12
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    Well versed? When I know I'm ready, I try something, and if it doesn't work, I try something else, and if it still doesn't work, I ask for help. It's kind of a 'learn as you go' (pun intended) thing.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Perth Western Australia

    16th Dimension Purple Heavens Cosmic Tan Tien

    Quote Originally Posted by Fliesatnite
    ..l a bit confused. It would seem that exiting through my crown chakra is something that comes quite naturally to me, without any conscious designs to do so through it.
    Sorry.Then let me clarify please . The crown exit is one of the basic 2 methods . The basic 2 are vibe out in etheric body projection commonly called OBE from the male tan tien and projection of the mental body from the female tan tien crown .

    The female tan tien includes the area of the crown or the scalp of the head . The Female Tan tien is around and over the blue , indigo and violet chakras . When we exit from the top of the head this is called the crown , scalp or projection of consciousness . We extrude a mental body which is seen clairvoyantly to be a uv green genie style smaller projection . This is not the cosmic self projection .
    Does that mean spiritualy speaking that I am of cosmic self?
    Cosmic Self projection is advanced but it can be done by very young people born to a higher vibration . However , it is not a simple projection through the crown . Instead , the cosmic self projects through the purple tan tien . The purple tan tien is stacked above the head and above the female moon tan tien . It is the "heavens" hermetically .

    The female tan tien is the moon . The male tan tien is the earth . The yellow dan tien is the sun . The energy body needs to grow in length or height for us to exit from the purple heavens tan tien as a cosmic self .

    This takes one to the 16th dimension which is a realm of dizzying clairvoyance . The sight is nauseating for me right now and for my peers . One feels like a cloud in a room of clouds but then the floor and ceiling drops away and there is a feeling of falling .Colours look neon like the astral but there is an energy line of uv blue around all things . In the 16th it is as if you are not sending consciousnesss away to seek a realm but rather like you are bringing that realm to you and drinking it .

    My peers in alchemical circle saw ,in mystic vision, a cobra unhinging its jaws like a boa constrictor and eating a large purple balloon full of stars . This is a metaphor for the way we must form our energy body around the purple tan tien. We come up to it and engulf it and thus make it part of us .

    So this last one is new to me too and it it remains difficult to describe . The universal mind is the gateway to this 16th dimension . We enter it and feel drawn out from it as vapor ,losing all substance . We must swallow the purple hermetic fluid from the prana around our body to illuminate the limbs to make them "seen" .For it seems that we have become so much AIR hermetically to ascend to this dimension so that we lost "us" and our personality . It feels like dieing . It is difficult to remain attached to the body as this occurs .

    More on that later as I learn to process it . I do not mean to intimidate anyone . My 9 yo son did this and had no trouble so did my 18 yo daughter .Even my peers in Alchemy circle had not difficulty . I presume it is my age and my spinal damage that makes it harder for me . I had difficulty this week projecting this way and had some serious difficulties coming back to the body . But my kids came in and helped me . They told me that it is not so hard and that I am probably too old for this form of transmutation . They eased me through it and helped me out . Gee thanks guys .

    And so I begin to think that perhaps we do have limitations according to the vibration we are born at . I continue to believe in unlimited human potential but perhaps we have to come back into another incarnation when we reach the full potential of this body .

    To project the cosmic self, exit through the purple tan tien which begins about 10 cm above the head.

    I do have many (clairvoyant) OBE's which are connected to events and people. Does this type of exit and events parallel? Is it connected somehow and I more spiritually evolved than I am aware of?
    Humanity is slowly spiritually evolving . There have been mini shifts of vibration as we do this . About 1948 was the beginning of Indigo . Within the Indigo there are subtle variations too though . Those born after 1964 are higher and those born after 1972 are higher still . Those born after 1980 , not all humans but a significant percentage of them anyway are called Dragons. These began a Purple Wave which has had mini waves of various colours about 2 to 3 years in duration. In 1996, another set was born . I do not know much about this last group yet , they are so young .

    I can view your energy body in a free reading on msn messenger . Just add me please just wait until I call you because otherwise too many windwos pop up and I can't read anyone . If you leave it open I will get to you sometime when you are on .

    It is of course what we do with it that counts . Humans have unlimited potentials . We can choose to develop it or not . Being born with gifts is an advantage . IF you have been , please use these gifts to develop more .
    When any one of us develops actively we help all of those around us to passively . This is a good thing which will expand the consciousness of humanity ultimately . Perhaps we can slowly become a kinder more compassionate people .
    ~*~Love , Light & Laughter ~*~

  4. #14
    Fliesatnite Guest
    Thank you for your much clarified response. I've added you to my hotmail account

    The purple tan tien is stacked above the head and above the female moon tan tien . It is the "heavens" hermetically .
    I should clarify a few things, first I assumed the crown chakra to BE the top of the head, but now I'm thinking it's in the front nearer to the forehead? I exit through the top.. not through the forehead.

    Secondly your statement reminded me of an OBE I will share briefly.. I was flying above the homes in my neighborhood aware that I was out of body, it was very early in the morning, the sky was still dark. I looked up to the heavens and I saw some clouds and sort of a lining around the clouds. It was a light that was coming through. So I stopped to enjoy the view, I felt only love and peace. As I watched I was completely stopped and turned my body upright. As the clouds parted and the light source became much brighter, it began to 'rain'. But it wasn't water coming down it was golden flecks. At this moment I felt at one with the universe and I opened my arms as wide as they would go and I turned my face up to the light and the golden rain all over my body and soul. I felt such peace and love.

    This takes one to the 16th dimension which is a realm of dizzying clairvoyance
    Pardon my ignorance here, but I am unclear as to the 16th dimension?

    It is of course what we do with it that counts . Humans have unlimited potentials . We can choose to develop it or not . Being born with gifts is an advantage . IF you have been , please use these gifts to develop more . When any one of us develops actively we help all of those around us to passively . This is a good thing which will expand the consciousness of humanity ultimately . Perhaps we can slowly become a kinder more compassionate people .
    I have been researching my gifts for many, many years, the more I learn about them the more they evolve. I have always been a believer in what I do with my gifts that counts. I believe that what I've been given needs to be shared, and I do it whenever I can. Even at the expense of people thinking I'm a bit crazy

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Perth Western Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    I guess the question I would ask (for whomever wants to answer it) is- how do you know what chakra you've used when you exit consciously?
    We can all learn to witness the projection clairvoyantly. My teachers taught me to do this . Once clairvoyance is developed merely watch the crown of another projector lifting out of the female tan tien and you will see it as a wisp of cloudy white to golden light initially . Eventually you can develop sight to see the face of the projector and a genie like mental body .I continue to learn by observing many students and peers project during circle and during online work. Practice is hugely helpful .

    We can also learn to exit by will with intention and control and that is when such a menu of options becomes an asset .
    To exit from a particular chakra ;
    1. open in protection
    2. deep cleanse
    3. raise energy
    4. announce aloud or to the higher self your intention and then will it
    5. visualise the colour of the chakra
    6. close eyes and send consciousness to the chakra and exit

    1)I fly out of my body- a forward tunnel motion. There is no visual perception except a tunnel in front that 'sucks' me out. It's fast, takes me somewhere far away, not RTZ.
    This could be the higher self which comes out of the heart chakra in this manner .

    2) I have exit sensations, vibrations, astral noise, and there is a perceptible heart chakra action or even a 'pillar' of energy in the heart area. I exit into the RTZ. From there I can go into the Astral if I wish.
    This sounds like etheric projection from the male tan tien .

    3) I roll off after exit sensations(paralysis, vibrations). Then I float away. I end up in the RTZ but have no 'heart' chakra activity that I perceive.
    This also sounds like etheric projection from the male tan tien but using a different technique

    4) My energy body rocks back and forth- I have astral sight and end up 'thrown' out of my body. Sometimes into the Astral, sometimes into what appears to be a lucid dream environment. Sometimes it appears that it was the RTZ but with a completely different perspective, like for example my closet or the inside of a wicker fan that I used to have.
    Etheric projection again from the male tan tien into a lucidity with remote viewing of astral .
    ~*~Love , Light & Laughter ~*~

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Perth Western Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by Fliesatnite
    Thank you for your much clarified response. I've added you to my hotmail account
    Please add me to msn messenger to get a free reading , thanks . But please wait until I call you because too many windows open and I can't do a reading then it is too distracting .

    I should clarify a few things, first I assumed the crown chakra to BE the top of the head, but now I'm thinking it's in the front nearer to the forehead? I exit through the top.. not through the forehead.
    The crown or scalp is the top of the head . Robert distinguishes the third eye chakra by calling it a brow centre instead of the crown centre . This helps to lessen the confusion . The third eye is possible to project into and out of but it is too variable according to the stage of the magician to neatly discuss .

    For example during the emerald tablet of alchemy the third eye becomes binocular and then hemi-globed so that there are ruby , emerald ,topaz and sapphire faceted centres there . The topaz sees future , the sapphire sees past , the emerald sees higher realms , the ruby sees lower realms .

    Secondly your statement reminded me of an OBE I will share briefly.. I was flying above the homes in my neighborhood aware that I was out of body, it was very early in the morning, the sky was still dark. I looked up to the heavens and I saw some clouds and sort of a lining around the clouds. It was a light that was coming through. So I stopped to enjoy the view, I felt only love and peace. As I watched I was completely stopped and turned my body upright. As the clouds parted and the light source became much brighter, it began to 'rain'. But it wasn't water coming down it was golden flecks. At this moment I felt at one with the universe and I opened my arms as wide as they would go and I turned my face up to the light and the golden rain all over my body and soul. I felt such peace and love.
    Thanks for sharing that I find it inspiring and i am sure other readers will too .
    Pardon my ignorance here, but I am unclear as to the 16th dimension?
    Occultists have long discussed and debated if there are 12 or 15 dimensions . I have projected to 16 now but I feel that there are more . I have a hermetic magician friend I trust who feels that 18 are open to human consciousness now . Our ability as a race to attend these realms planes or dimensions is correlated to the colour palette on our tree of life on our energy body and the cosmic rays that we can interpret . For example some occultists still claim only 8 cosmic rays and only 10 sepiroth .

    But contemporary occultists might argue 12 sepiroth and 12 rays and 12 dimensions . As we increase our vibration we can attend higher and further dimensions . It is interesting that science now concurs that there are 12 dimensions in string theory so I feel that the world at large can easily interpret those 12 but going beyond that is very esoteric . I may be the first to write about the 16th . I am exploring it with my peers now but we only got to it this month for the first time .

    I project with other mystics and I post it as we go in a journal on Astral Society under my handle .Here is a correspondence chart i have authored
    with dimensions compared to Monroe Focus Levels and Stone's plane theory .

    16 uniting with cosmic self psychodelic colours dizzying disorienting
    stretching of the self into 16 selves
    dark realm must wrap sound around something or some entity to view it
    across the abyss to the next wheel of life
    secret "invisible" and "hidden" realms
    crown above the crown
    hidden sepiroth
    wheel of the pyramids
    13The Other side of the Cone of Consciousness
    Operation of Ley Lines of Infinity on the Grids and the Tunnels of Eternity
    12Universal Mind Focus 34-35 is the locale having group consciousness
    ---Devic Chambers
    ---Human made spirit homes Focus 27: Afterlife free will resembling earth---Ashrams of other worlds ie Reptilians beyond the trajectory of Ursa Major
    11Window on Edge of Universe
    ---Entrance to Hells for Students of the Occult
    ----Plane of Heavens Focus 24,25,26: Belief Territories of Afterlifers
    ---Human and Spirit cooperative Manifestations of Metaphysical Colleges
    ---Temples of Wisdom
    ---Gates of Death Focus 23: "stuck" confused unaware ghosts
    10 Plane of Elementals , Devas ,Thrones , the Vortex , Elohim Council
    ---Human Manifestations ie ashrams of live humans
    ---Called the Pleaides lies on a trajectory off that star group in Taurus
    ---Called Sirius lies on a trajectory off this star Focus 21:edge of time/space - contact other energy systems.
    9 Blue Lodge of what is called the Arcturians of Sirius
    8 Group Monadic Soul - Meeting Higher Self
    --Temple of Zodiac and Great Clock Focus 15: State of no time
    7 Logoic -Shamballah --Temples of Light
    ---Ashrams of Chohans Great Pyramid
    6 Golden Chamber of Melchiezedek
    5 Monadic- work with guides , mahatma , chohans and archangels
    -- Astral Hall of Learning – Spiritual King’s Chamber Luxor
    - Focus 12: A state of expanded awareness
    4 Astral Lower Focus 10: Mind Awake/Body Asleep
    3 Physical Focus 3: increased mental coherency and balance
    2 Totem Earth Wisdom
    1 Lower Plane of Chaos and “Hell on Earth ”
    0 Magick Realm
    00 Golden Heart of the Mystic the ouroborous

    I have been researching my gifts for many, many years, the more I learn about them the more they evolve. I have always been a believer in what I do with my gifts that counts. I believe that what I've been given needs to be shared, and I do it whenever I can. Even at the expense of people thinking I'm a bit crazy
    Well said and you are amongst kindred spirits here at AD
    ~*~Love , Light & Laughter ~*~

  7. #17
    Aunt Clair,
    I know next to nothing about Hermetic Magick. And, I agree with you that there are more dimensions (or possibly planes of existence) than science has yet to catch up with. But, you made a statement that confuses me a bit.
    And so I begin to think that perhaps we do have limitations according to the vibration we are born at . I continue to believe in unlimited human potential but perhaps we have to come back into another incarnation when we reach the full potential of this body .
    You and I are almost exactly the same age, but I have no knowledge of Magick and have had very few controlled projections. But, I have been to a place that resembles exactly how you described it....except without the dizzyness and disorientation. This was done in meditation and spontaneously. I had no set intentions for the meditation, except to OBE.
    16 - uniting with cosmic self, psychodelic colours, dizzying, disorienting, stretching of the self into 16 selves
    So, how do you explain that, given your belief regarding limitations according to the vibration we are born at? To refresh your memory, you did a reading on me quite a few months ago. You seemed surprised that I was close to becoming completely crystal. I have no idea what that means, as my knowledge of Hermetics can fit in a thimble. Are you saying that only those who are practicing Magick can attain certain levels of projections? I'm confused. Help!?!

  8. #18
    Fliesatnite Guest
    And so I begin to think that perhaps we do have limitations according to the vibration we are born at . I continue to believe in unlimited human potential but perhaps we have to come back into another incarnation when we reach the full potential of this body .
    I was kind of wondering about that also. Personally, I don't believe we are born with limitations according to our vibrational levels. I have changed my levels (growth) and have unlimited potential. Spriritually speaking of course.

    In human or physical form there are obviously, many limitations. That part I agree with cannot be changed, but when you are in the astral.. we all become limitless.

    As far as another incarnation... I've already told them, stick a fork in me I'm done, I'm not coming back again. =}}

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Perth Western Australia
    So, how do you explain that, given your belief regarding limitations according to the vibration we are born at?
    Until recently I always considered that all humans have unlimited spiritual potential . But when my circle had the last initiation to get to the 16th dimension and we were split into 16 selves the pain for me was excruciating and I died .

    Now I realise that I have neurological dysfunction from MS and spinal degradation and damage however , I do not feel that my constraints were all due to my physical condition .

    My 8 year old son had no difficulty with this initiation .It passed while he was asleep and I would not have been sure that he experienced the same thing except that he described it to me with great joy . My 18 ya daughter also found it very easy . But My best mate Jodie was with me in circle and she saw me struggling to reconnect to my body . She kept trying to help me and was quite upset at my colouring and my obvious NDE . She saw me disconnecting my spirit as a golden cloud of lights . I entered heaven in a way I do not recall going before not to the spirit homes but to another place .

    My husband Bill C was away . He dreamed that he had to go to heaven and help me back to my body and ask Christ to let me stay to continue my work on Earth a while . One of my daughters called in a panic realising I had died too . It was the second time this year . The other time was while I slept . My husband woke to find me gray cold and unresponsive . I recalled seeing the death angel , my dead grandma and me dead auntie and being told firmly that it was not my time to go , I had to go back into the body .

    This time ,I was in meditation and it happened during initiation to the 16th dimension . I effortlessly attained the next level but I could not re enter my body , it was cold again and shutting down . I got in and popped right out again and again and again . It was like being slammed by the surf on the beach after falling off a surf board . I became so disoriented I could not tell what was up and what was down . When I finally anchored self into the body, I was told very clearly that I had three choices that I could ;
    1. die and come back in a newer model
    2. slow down my transmutations and live a bit longer in this body
    3. speed up my transmutations and develop to the point that I can sustain the higher vibrations easily

    So of course I asked why and I was told that I was born to a lower vibration and that I could not sustain this amount of light that was not only required to reach the next level of vibration but that this was not something that could be stopped by me now . I could only choose to move more slowly or more quickly . I feel that this means the older indigos born 1948 to 1956 could possibly reach their full potential and that their vibration would not go beyond that in this life . Further to this I was shown that there were mini waves in the indigo as there have been in the dragon and that these are :
    1948 -1952/1952-1956
    1956-1960 /1960-1964
    1964-1968 /1968 -1972
    1972 -1976/1976-1980
    We were shown that those born after 1972 cannot have reached their full potential yet . But those born before 1964 may be reaching the past due date now . You are near my age and crystal is a high vibration but it is not where I am now .

    We sped up and moved ahead of our dragon peers . We were told we had to work concurrently as students with the dragons and as apprentice spirit teachers too . We have completed the Earth and Aair works altogether now . Many of the young people alive today will complete this by 2012 . Some of my group will die and move on to teach the next young ones yet to be born and the live dragons that project in dreamstate .

    I am already teaching there . People write me from around the world and tell me that they have seen me teaching there and I have some limited recall of facilitating lessons there . Paradoxically , Daniel T . is teaching there and he is 19 ya . I have taken classes from him and so has my son Billy and my friend Jodie . I suspect in some aspects of spirit teaching the age of the physical body means nothing at all . It is instead the wisdom of the soul and the ability to communicate and teach from spirit that gives us this privilege .

    I compare this shelf life time to the point when my right foot friends who were pre -indigo , left the circle . Tom 73 ya and Bill V 69 ya both found they could not keep up with us anymore .There was friction they wanted us to slow down . They wanted us to explain . They no longer understood or saw what the rest of us did . They would go to the realm but not hear the teachers . It was like they were becoming old in the spiritual body just as they had become old in the physical body . Their eyes and ears did not work as well at the higher vibration. I suspect that the vibration they were born on limited their growth afterall . Bill expressed this saying he was proud that he had gone the distance and reached his full potential . One after another my teachers had retired suddenly the last two becoming my peers and finally my students .

    To refresh your memory, you did a reading on me quite a few months ago. You seemed surprised that I was close to becoming completely crystal. I have no idea what that means, as my knowledge of Hermetics can fit in a thimble.
    On my thread about the development of the human energy body I have posted up to the giant works in detail and I have posted some recent images of the latest works here ; ... nw?Page=10
    silver lead Gray Works
    golden intuitive alchemy begins
    ======Dragon Works
    gold orange
    ----------optional path 2 after the white for those stuck in red works
    ice blue
    crystal --where the Dragon Crystal works ended .
    ======Hidden Temples
    ======Star Works
    ======Giant Works
    ======Mirror Works
    Golden Mystic Heart manifests and the Giants grow
    ======Ruby Tablet

    Up until now all "Works" have had 4 stages to get there
    white Opus Albedo air
    black Opus Nigredo earth
    green Opus Vertigris air
    red Opus Rubedo earth

    And all "Works" had a final transmutation of ; silver water or gold fire or purple or crystal

    The Works completed in EARTH and AIR were ;
    Golden Chamber Initiations
    Path of the Magician
    Lesser Work
    Great Work
    Emerald Tablet
    Majestic Works
    La Victoire Triomphe
    Uraeus Effect
    Gray Works
    Dragon Works
    Hidden Works
    Star Works
    Giant Works
    Mirror Works
    Ruby Tablet
    ====Water and Fire Works began May 2006
    These works are not about AIR and EARTH and they do not yield FIRE and WATER . Some of us have crossed through the mirror in 2006 .
    amber / purple
    topaz / sapphire
    What is next ???This is where I am right now .

    Are you saying that only those who are practicing Magick can attain certain levels of projections? I'm confused. Help!?!
    I do not know that . I can only tell you what I feel on this . Alchemist Philosophers made allusions to the realms in the OT . Buddha taught about Shamballah . Christ described the realms in the gnostic gospels . Mohammed spoke about the merkabah and his journey to the realms to see angels to his scribes and followers .

    Contemporary Mystics mapped out the realms including
    Dr. Stone
    Alice Bailey
    Diane Cooper
    James Hurtak
    Franz Bardon
    Robert Monroe
    et al

    Were all of these hermetic magicians ? I don't know that I can say that . Were all of these magicians ? Yes. I think by some definition they all were mystic magicians . I think perhaps the confusion lies in what you and I might call magician . I feel it is magick to see spirits , angels and mahatma . I feel it is magick to project to the realms . Is it always Hermetic ? I think so . I think that people of both genders and many age groups , of many cultures and from diverse faiths, across time have visited the realms . The higher realms are open to all humanity irregardless of our faith or our place and time of birth . Monroe was an atheist and he projected there too.
    ~*~Love , Light & Laughter ~*~

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Perth Western Australia
    I have some good news to report . I went to the 16th dimension again today in meditation . I had a spontaneous OBE and then followed that into a deep trance and learned more about this new projection . I did not die . I did not have pain . I was so relieved .

    It was just as disorienting but I left the body and went back in with control . I must have been given some lessons in between during dreamstate because now I knew what not to do . This form of projection disconnects the divine self , the i am always self , and the giant self .

    There is little left to maintain consciousness . When I felt myself lift out I was drowsy and had begun to nod off at the pc . So I reconnected and I walked to bed , laid down and came out in spontaneous OBE . It was euphoric and memorable and there wasn't any pain or fear or NDE this time . This was like an OBE vibe out but not from the male tan tien alone . The energy was from the male and the female tan tien together and an etheric body was shaken out with the consciousness . The etheric body was not the same as the etheric body that we project out in vibes to OBE . This one was twice as tall as I am . I was told it was called the I AM ALWAYS subtle energy body . It is like our I AM body but has a dual nature because of the etheric projection . And 16 other selves project out of it combining to form 8 smaller selves and the ninth IAM ALWAYS self .

    I was instructed on how to sustain my life while I did this projection . I still feel that it is at a dangerously high level for my old body but it is a piece of cake for the kids . A pillar of light formed in and around the spine which was ethereal green from the floor down and uv purple above the mirror on the ground . I rose on this effortlessly and began a series of plunges into the body and out again but this time never completely disconnecting that ching sustaining life force energy .

    Here is my journal entry ;
    R 8 June 2006
    I left body fully again but I did not die this time . I have had many projections since that date which were unremarkable and all were below the 16th dimension . This was my first spontaneous OBE to the 16th .

    The difference is that the whole essence leaves the body as if a pillar of light rushes up the spine in a spinning motion this pillar is purple to the mirror and green below it .The entire giant length leaves the body and we become the xena nephidei which is the giant of God.We are twice our energy body in length and yet our consciousness is light . We have colours in the energy body which are gaseous and multicoloured uv . The 16th dimension is psychodelic in colour like the astral but it is a complex realm of thought forms and universal mind and instructional divine effulgence . So it is has the attributes of many other dimensions at once.

    In meditation , we see the tree of life over the body but two orbs are glowing .These are as Kether and Malkuth but also as female and male tan tien .

    We spin with great force and leave as 2 spheres which are Kether and Malkuth joined vertically.Kether suddenly falls precipitously pushing the pillar back to the body and then Malkuth pushes against Kether so it flings out again.

    Then Malkuth is sucked up with such force that it meets Malkuth halfway up and they explode away from each other again . This brings everything out of the body .Malkuth is in the upper purple supra crown tan tien .Four pillars spin off and these split apart .

    There are now 4 purple pillars high above the crown and 4 ethereal green ones spinning as thick pillars of light around the larger pillar of the IAM always energy body in the centre . Malkuth becomes 4 smaller half size spheres too and these spin between the upper and lower pillars of gaseous light .

    The purple pillars become 4 coloured like the fingers on the new right hand and the ones on the bottom become as the new left hand.The pillars at the top form an x that is bicardinal to the body . The pillars at the bottom form a plus + and are at cardinal directions to the body.

    The top pillars are the Divine Selves as 4 elemental splits which are from the Higher Self / Guardian Angel merged . At the bottom is the giant self as the Lower Self/ Guardian Demon merged . But since the last transmution these are not far different from each other . These are coloured as the qlippoth on the back and the sepiroth on the front instead of top and bottom .

    The freedom is inexplicable . And though disorienting the exit was thrilling . The body seems to plunge like a lawnmotor being primed up . Down the consciousness sank to the male tan tien and then with great velocity up like a rocket it exploded out of the crown only to crash and fall back down but this time to the waist and the next time to the crown . Finally the purple pillar is above the supra cosmic tan tien and the Malkuth separates to become 4 in one and remains at the cosmic tan tien . We are like a firework show cascading about and falling back down only to burst up again and again .

    Below the cosmic tan tien is the ethereal green pillar extending to the mirror . We would seem to fall over having lost our roots but the Giant and Divine Selves are instead liberated while the physical body lies down and there is no risk of falling now .

    So the first to leave was an obelisk of the 2 vertically conjoined spheres and 4 pillars .This was like a plunger as it returned and pulled up higher as if unblocking the body .The next time it comes up as 2 separate spheres and 2 long pillars of purple on top of green the next stage 4 pillars above and 4 pillars below and 2 spheres .

    This looks like a mobile or a merry go round or windchime . The top sphere is suspended above as a sort of Kether . The purple pillars spin slowly around as if suspended below this is the bottom orb . Below this is the 4 in 1 Malkuth , the 4 mini spheres appear to be half the size of the tan tien spheres . These rotate slowly at the cosmic tan tien .Below this is the ethereal green giant self which has its own set of 4 pillars spinning slowly .

    I cannot recall much more . But the divine selves had faces and some were intimidating . We do not look like 9 copies of self . The faces were of different genders , different godhead and different animal totems . I saw a lion and a wolf and an eagle . I saw Thor on the UV fire and I saw Bas.

    I feel confident that I can control this type of projection and look forward to seeing what will happen this week as we have the next initiation in the full moon .
    ~*~Love , Light & Laughter ~*~

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