As far as depth and breadth, I think MAP is an excellent book, probably the best you're going to find; however, I also recommend you dive into other material that addresses the "why?" of Astral Projection instead only focusing only on the "how."

Specifically, what is the broader context to conscious exploration? What purpose does it serve, if any at all?

I took on MAP with a lot of enthusiasm, but hit wall after wall after wall until I picked up other texts that went into detail on critical spiritual topics that have an equal, if not more important function in the big picture. MAP is a great toolkit on getting out, but this whole conscious exploration thing is profoundly personal and no two people are going to find the exact same experiences out there. Why does one person get out quickly and another go years with little to no success? What happens when you find your travels dark or not following the expected pattern you read about?

CFTraveler introduced me to Kurt Leland's books, and I will tell you right now I think The Multidimensional Human should be required reading right along with MAP. There are several others, but if you want the whole story start here. It's all about diversifying your portfolio, right?

As always, my two cents are worth half a penny on most days, especially on Saturday night.
