One of the best experiences so far. Alot were dreamy like... But one I gained some clarity and flew over my backyard. (It's like a huge forrest land until you get to the city) It was so powerful and clear I am not going to lie.. I just about cried in midair.

I just wanted to share with everyone.

Was trying to go visit a friend but my navigation skills were a bit shaky.

Meditation is not what is doing these for me. It's mostly trance, and just nap. Don't expect anything... Observe. But have intent that you WANT an OBE and you want to get it. Use those affirmations.

It's key. The positive attitude and optimism and hard work you put in this pay off.

Don't expect to get out of body everynight especially for begginers like me. Go in proud knowing you know something most people will never do in their life, and that with tons of practice, if this means alot to you like it does me. You will be traveling more and more. I will be posting some tips that help me on here very very soon


PS: It's amazing feeling the wind blow on you when you are flying.