I just copied this topic and it already has 22 views. I don't know how that's possible.

But anyway, I copied it because I have a definite opinion about it, and as usual, feel free to ignore what I say.

Let's say for example you were a fireman, or a policeman, or a paramedic. Those are very high stress jobs... Do you think jobs that involve stress like that have an impact on spirituality?
I think everything that you do has an impact on spirituality, and spirituality has an impact on anything you do. But I wonder how you define spirituality.
To me, spirituality is that 'unseen' dimension in life, that brings eternity to time, cause to effect, and deeper meaning to anything that happens. It's not something you 'do', (unlike others believe) it's something you 'are'. You are (in the immortal words of Sting), a Spirit living in a Material world. Of course, this is not entirely true, you are also a Spirit living in a Spiritual world simultaneously, and I think this is where the 'do' fits in- Active spirituality is the way we 'see' the spiritual in everyday world. If you see (or want to see) Spirit/God in everything and everyone, you are 'being' spiritual, modalities are just the tools to bring you to this awareness. But then this is how I see it, of course.

What if you were a very spiritual person and astral projected etc. Could you hold a job like that and still evolve spiritually with seeing all of the stuff those kind of jobs deal with? Since I was little I always wanted to be a cop. I am not going to go that route though I don't believe because I am a very gentle person and I can see myself more as a paramedic. (Once I get my anxiety under control) Will choosing careers like this make it harder for me to project?
I think being a cop may be harmful to your gentle nature because it'll either cause you psychological trauma (they do deal with scumbaggy people most of the time, I am friends with a retired cop who had to leave the job because he felt it was making him sick, they constantly deal with 'damaged' people and people who have been traumatized), but I don't think the damage would be to your spirituality- I think it would be to your psyche.
My husband was a paramedic for a time (he did it as a volunteer when in college) and even though this is an endeavor who causes some trauma (one time he rescued a guy from a river, brought him back and took him to the hospital, where the guy later died- he was distraught (and a little angry) because after all the time he worked on him the guy eventually died, and he thought the hospital didn't work as hard on him as he had, for example). This kind of thing can also hurt you, but at least you rescue people and get positive feedback every once in a while, knowing that you are a positive force in the world feels good if you are spiritual, even if it gives you an opportunity to work on detachment.

What if I don't let the stress get to me? I used to volunteer for a fire dept (Still do sometimes) and I have seen things I wish I hadn't. After becoming very spiritual though I have a different view on this. I really don't think any of those careers would effect my spiritual progress but I wanted to ask you to hear your opinion.
I think if you could be a fireman and continue to live your life in balance (between your life in the physical and your spiritual pursuits) you'll find that your spirituality enriches your career and your career enriches your spirituality.

But that's my opinion.