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Thread: questions from a hopeful traveler. :)

  1. questions from a hopeful traveler. :)

    Hi guys my name is kenny and I have been interested in 6th sense abilities for a while now. I recently started listening to a radio show called coast to coast am where they talk about various abilities like ap, one's, remote viewing, and many other abilities but I was drawn to astral projection and prospect of reaching my higher self and purifying myself and maybe help. Others if I can. For the past few months I've been improving my diet, taking a good variety of vitamins, exspecialy ones for improved brain function. I originally started out with stimulating my pineal gland through focus and its been pretty successful. Lights, flashes of light while focusing my 6th chairs and quite a few times now if heard cracks and popping inside my head. And bright bright light and and intense vibrations that gave me a start at first. I've been taping a magnet with the north pole above my eyes.over my 6th chakra. (Its said to stimulate your pineal gland) while im awake and at work and it gives me tingles and popping in my head through out the day that's seems to be able to loosen me up and im able to focus and slip into relaxation and the lights and vibrations and I also just downloaded binary beats that are supposed to help you ease into astral projection.. I guess what I wanted to ask currently is that. Does anyone know about using magnets to help with the projections and are the binary beats useful at all. The magnets do stimulate my pineal gland and has made me more receptive to it but I don't know if I should try to project with them. im very excited to join you in the either and this is an awesome sight that I will hopefully be posting my dreams and travels on soon.

  2. #2
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    Re: questions from a hopeful traveler. :)

    Hi & Welcome Kennyastraltrainee xx

    Sounds like you have been putting lot's of practice & effort in.....x

    Whilst i was reading your comment my own third eye chakra became active, as did the one in my stomach area, also caused a slight energy strobe too.... interesting for me ! ....

    Hope you have good experiences & lot's of helpful Fun X..... C u around
    " the core of spirituality is to optimize your personal evolution" ~ Robert Bruce

  3. #3
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    Re: questions from a hopeful traveler. :)

    Quote Originally Posted by kennyastraltrainee View Post
    Hi guys my name is kenny and I have been interested in 6th sense abilities for a while now.
    Hi Kenny and welcome to the forums.

    I recently started listening to a radio show called coast to coast am where they talk about various abilities like ap, one's, remote viewing, and many other abilities but I was drawn to astral projection and prospect of reaching my higher self and purifying myself and maybe help. Others if I can. For the past few months I've been improving my diet, taking a good variety of vitamins, exspecialy ones for improved brain function. I originally started out with stimulating my pineal gland through focus and its been pretty successful. Lights, flashes of light while focusing my 6th chairs and quite a few times now if heard cracks and popping inside my head. And bright bright light and and intense vibrations that gave me a start at first.
    Sound like normal aftereffects of head chakra work. i hope you are stimulating all your chakras, not just the upper ones.

    I've been taping a magnet with the north pole above my eyes.over my 6th chakra. (Its said to stimulate your pineal gland)
    I can't imagine why that would work, as far as I know pineal sand is made of mainly calcium, but if you think it helps by all means.

    while im awake and at work and it gives me tingles and popping in my head through out the day that's seems to be able to loosen me up and im able to focus and slip into relaxation and the lights and vibrations and I also just downloaded binary beats that are supposed to help you ease into astral projection..
    Binaural beats are known to facilitate the trance states that can be used to project, but that doesn't mean that it will automatically make you project- for that you need at least three things- the ability to 'almost fall asleep' while staying awake, maintaining full awareness, and having good recall, as well as knowing what to do when you reach the states necessary.

    For more information we have two subforums dedicated to audio producing methods (no, three, one for hemi sync, one for MAP CD system, and one for 'other' systems that don't fall into that category). Please check them out for more specific information about audio technology.

    I guess what I wanted to ask currently is that. Does anyone know about using magnets to help with the projections ... The magnets do stimulate my pineal gland and has made me more receptive to it but I don't know if I should try to project with them. im very excited to join you in the either and this is an awesome sight that I will hopefully be posting my dreams and travels on soon.
    Frankly, you can project with anything as long as you're comfortable enough to reach a deep trance but not so comfortable that you just fall asleep.
    I also recommend you take a look at the stickied topics in the OBE R & D subforum, there are lots of techniques to try.
    Good luck and welcome again.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. Re: questions from a hopeful traveler. :)

    Thanks for the welcome and advice yeah im not looking for an easy way out im meditating and practicing deep breathing and relaxation while keeping my mind fully aware. I read your otherpost today regarding trying to empty your mind as I have just been trying to force my mind to complete blankness so that helped me out hearing that's not necessary its more like a refined result of relaxing and calming techniques. Thanks for the help oh I ordered the MAP book today and wondered if there was any other resources I should look into?

  5. Re: questions from a hopeful traveler. :)

    Oh good point you brought up the chakras, I feel them when I meditate and relax but I've never purposely tried to stimulate them as I've just recently started the astral projection practices. Before I was just working on my pineal gland and opening my 3rd eye. Do you have any advice or practicing techniques on working the other chakras? And on magnets I've seen lots of stuff floating around about it and how the ancient Egyptians and the Mayan priest would attach them to their temples or above their eyes for mystical prowess. Cleopatra was also said to wear a mask with a north pole magnet over her third may or may not be true but I've felt a large increase in activity from it..but it needs to be the north pole side of the magnet touching your skin..if you try it sometime let me know, im curious to see if anyone with developed ability notices a difference or if im just having a placebo effect. .

  6. Re: questions from a hopeful traveler. :)

    Also a personaly new experience happened today, I have been ramping up my meditations and projection attempt listening to my beat musics and wearing my magnets while im working on my night shifts while relaxing and listening to the music Oin the rides to and from work and I get into these states where im not tired but I feel dreamy like I just woke up and facilities are not all back yet and today I listened to the beats on the bus ride home and I woke up in the parking lot groggy with that feeling that I wasn't all there ..haha the eyes tingling as I write this out ..but I got home and as I was getting ready for bed my whole body was hit with this intense relaxation yet I got stiff and rigid like my mental impulses wernt making it to my guessing its similar to the paralysis but I was standing and walked to my bed very sluggishly. I laid down with the music and got deep enough to where I saw lights and was extremely tingly, I tried the roll out or lift out technique but I don't think im quite ready yet..its was a step foreword I think I can't wait till I can start a journal on here with some ones hopefully ..fingers crossed

  7. #7
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    Re: questions from a hopeful traveler. :)

    Hi Kenny.
    How many hours a day are you listening to the beats and meditating, and are you getting a full night's sleep?
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. Re: questions from a hopeful traveler. :)

    Well im a little lacking this week which might explain my failed attempt at anything this morning..i work shift work at a mine and ive been getting roughly 6-7 hours oh sleep the past 3 on 4 night shift..bad i know.. when im off i sleep 9-10 i sleep about another 45 minutes to and from work when im tired.

  9. Re: questions from a hopeful traveler. :)

    But if your asking cause of my sluggishness deal yesterday, it wasnt a tired issue i had never felt that before.. it was just like my body got numbish and didnt want to respond..

  10. #10
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    Re: questions from a hopeful traveler. :)

    The thing is that when you're in an altered state for a prolonged amount of time (i.e. listening to binaurals for many hours during normal waking time) and combine it with lack of sleep it can affect your perception- it's like being in a half-trance all day, and you can even have 'flash hallucinations' or energetic-type sensations at odd times.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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