Thanks for the help.

Negs: I've started to feel them (and seeing them while in semytrance!). That's why I've introduced the LBRP in my daily practice.

The thing is: for some months I've noticed that my brow center automatically reacts to my own thoughts. I mean if I'm thinking about something (really focused and really visual) my 3rd eye activates all on its own like a subtle electromagnetic cloud in the eyebrow without any try from myself to deliverately activate it.

These last two weeks I have expended a lot of time studying geometry for an exam... and I think all that mental picture-processing has helped too.

In any case I do the complete process: whole energy bouncing, MCO, chakra working and other movements, like the one mentioned (from heart to brow).

So far I only know two different movements (apart of the classic NEW):
1.To ascend to the heart, and from there through the arms to insert in the belly (Bruce's): healing.
2.To move from the heart to the eyebrow (Aunt's): activation.

Any other one?